Categories Database_Access. See also: L I N K - EinträgeDatenbank_access


next category previous category

Datenbank_Access Query criterions: operator" in" and" Between" use in SQL-Anweisungen and in the query design window menu
ID: Abfra02716

Datenbank_Access Queryings - tips for more effectiveness (AC97-200 2). topics:--comes you to the goal without fundamental SQL-Statements so--efficient monthly groupings--queryings with current sum--groupings with subordinate details--by chance selected data records spends
ID: Abfra03263

Datenbank_Access Queryings, delete -) im plementation of updating queryings and Löschabfragen (2.0)
ID: Ausf000682

Datenbank_Access Queryings through compilation (AC from 97) optimize: co this undocumented trick up to 10-once is executed faster queryings. remark: only drawing selection and union queryings can be compiled.
Further detail and background information in the PC-MAGAZIN.
ID: Abfra05866

Datenbank_Access Queryings with SHOW PLAN optimize : show plan is an option of the JetEngine, the an analysis of the query implementation possibly does. the option becomes directly activated in the Registry, a new key' of Debug' is here under--- \ Jet\n.n\Engine necessary.
ID: Abfra03946

Datenbank_Access Queryings: dynamic queryings per form (AC from 97): produces you with little expenditure to the interpretation of your data bank a comfortable surface.
ID: Abfra05867

Datenbank_Access Queryings: INSERT INTO with union query: with a small trick can be written directly results of an UNION to queryings into a table
ID: Abfra08727

Datenbank_Access Query: cross table queryi per SQL (AC from 97) produces: co this trick produces you flexible cross table queryings with parameters.
ID: abfra05784

Datenbank_Access Queryings: with parameters to flexible queryings
ID: Mit0P00655

Datenbank_Access Queryings: parameter queryings with comf ort (AC97, 2000): so becomes your reports even more flexible and more efficient. see also P150TT (03/05): parameter queryings for recordsets.
ID: Abfra02460

Datenbank_Access Queryings: column titles (AC from 97). in the query design can be declared another superscript for each field under labeling". this becomes indicated with implementation of the query (drawing selection query) instead of the column survey then. FOR EXAMPLE:
* Column title: purchase-carry * labeling: customers order also at combo boxes then is shown this name.
ID: Abfra06325

Datenbank_Access Queryings: tables comfortably updates (AC97-2003). bases of updating queryings.
ID: Abfra07733

Datenbank_Access Queryings: table preparation queryings with parameters (7.0)
ID: Tabel00683

Datenbank_Access Queryings: ranges effectively interrogates (AC2000-2003): effective solution for PLZ-Abfragen, sliding discounts and similar applications. * DLookup (, * form search of Recordset * individual queryings and search functions for ranges
ID: Abfra06594

Datenbank_Access Query practice: readings (AC2000-2007) appraises. ready queryings about the interpretations of readings and Messdaten.
ID: Abfra08624

Datenbank_Access Query practice: timephased wages: (AC97-2007). so also complicated hourly wage calculations succeed per Access-Abfrage.
ID: Abfra08718

Datenbank_Access Query practice: address (AC97-2007) updates: ready queryings about the preparation of your address data bank.
ID: Abfra08730

Datenbank_Access Query practice: frequency analyses (AC97-2007): utilization of cross tables, frequency analyses flexibly start. examples: * number orders for year * customer orders for month with individual yearly input
ID: Abfra08741

Datenbank_Access Query Practice: bar charts (AC from 2003). Create bar directly in queries and view in reports. Alternative to the chart object
ID: Abfra08812

Datenbank_Access Query practice: records, complete (AC2000-2010). Examples in the journal
ID: Abfra08826

Datenbank_Access Query Practice: IN and EXISTS used in SQL queries (from AC2002) IN and EXISTS.
ID: Abfra08856

Datenbank_Access ACCDB-Datenbanken im MDB-Format (AC2007-2013)
So lassen sich ACCDB-Datenbanken in ältere Access-Versionen nutzen.
ID: ACCDB08855

Datenbank_Access Access enamel - capable doe s
ID: Acces00602

Datenbank_Access Access (Jet 4.0) and Vista Auf of the Microsoft home page are described mistakes under Vista, and a Hotfix offered: articles 937248 tip: in Google simply" Microsoft 937248" boasts.
ID: Acces08675

Datenbank_Access Access 2000 until 2003 under Vista tips and tricks. - Adminrechte - problem with COM-AddIns
ID: Acces08621

Datenbank_Access Access 2000: tips and tricks, for example Office-Assistenten suppresses, window menus in task strip ein/ausschalten, the new data bank window menu, the new file dialogues, data bank relationships, personalized menus, prints vending machine. compression,..
ID: Acces00790

Datenbank_Access Access 2002: this is new. you should know this about Access 2002:--works together AC2002 with old versions so.--efficient interpretations with few mouse clicks.--new for forms and reports.--news for developers.--reward itself this of transferred
ID: Acces02560

Datenbank_Access Access 2002: data exchange with Access 2000 tips and problem solutions for the interplay of AC2000 and 2002, as well as tips to the conversion of AC2000 to 2002
ID: Acces02720

Datenbank_Access Access 2003: this is new: new functions of Access 2003
ID: Acces03919

Datenbank_Access Access 2007: create a new data bank (AC2007): Your entry to the new Access-Version
ID: Acces08635

Datenbank_Access Access 97 optimize, you prevent reliably unnecessary processor burdens of AC97. use of the API-Funktion' Sleep', that is freezing the application solidly for a certain time.
ID: Acces08607

Datenbank_Access Access data bank project the better alternative to access-database. the file expansion is here. ADB instead of. MDB. only from Access 2003 possibly. < BR>Dies is the solution to be communicated with the SQL-Server about nativ.
With MDB, only the access is possible per ODBC. < BR>Bei ADB cast-off-therefore is more possible all tables and queryings no local queries or tables on the SQL-Server. < BR>Parameterabfragen must therefore be replaced through saved procedures
ID: Acces08649

Datenbank_Access Access in the Off ice: Access - forms about the data acquisition in Excel uses
ID: Acces00649

Datenbank_Access Access in Office 97: Access-Formulare to the data acquisition in Excel uses, for Excel u. Access 7.0 and 8.0
ID: Acces00533

Datenbank_Access Access cannot be finished: problem: with the attempt, to finish Access, this hikes reduced into the task strip to the symbol and has shot only more itself over the task manager. cause:
One from Access pot was properly not released. this can happen at several opportunities and on the basis of more miscellaneous bow in the memory management. solution:
The problem is mostly to be found the konkrete(n (Stelle(n) in the code, that the problem causes. here a few general tips. the most frequently, the first helps.
--Clasp with the Close-Methode each object, that you opened yourself, and places the object variable on Nothing, no matter whether it is about Recordsets, Access-Objektbezüge or whatever. for example rs.Close: set rs = Nothing db.
Close: set db = Nothing
comment: db.Close refers on an external data bank here, that was opened with OpenDatabase. with Currentdb, Close doesn't make any sense. one doesn't open it itself and can also not close it so.
If one overlooks this, the resultant mistake is swallowed by Access tacitly, however.--clasp all text data files, that you opened. for example Close #1
--alter "." in "!", where it goes. for example m.
Text box--> Me!Textfeld--use explicitly the Value-Eigenschaft at fields, that return boolsche values (check boxes), option buttons etc, Forms!FormularName!Kontrollkästchen--> Forms!FormularName!Kontrollkästchen.Value
Further info about different variations: /? kbid=164455 /? kbid=190074 /? kbid=209847 /? kbid=246953
ID: Acces05854

Datenbank_Access Access - news (7.0, 8.0) turns off
ID: Acces00695

Datenbank_Access Access Office tools: side width at Word, Color button, hands over Database Maintenante Utility, Drag & Droppen for forms holidays doubled Datas, project planning (Gan-H-Diagramme, Strinken-Strechen), remove form at screen, system info, table relationships
ID: Acces00947

Datenbank_Access Access optimize: VBA-Code: (A C97-2003) 15 tips for faster VBA-Prozeduren.--MDE-Format uses--optimal speed with compiled code--decompiling avoids.--constants instead of variables uses.--option Expicit uses--correct data type uses--Early Binding, data type
ID: Acces03859

Datenbank_Access Access and the year 2000
ID: Acces00635

Datenbank_Access Access under Windows 98 (from 8.0)
ID: Acces00720

Datenbank_Access Access: numbers in text boxes!, versions: Access 2.0, 95, 97 and 2000. if you finish reading numbers from text boxes and these compare or would like to put at the base in calculations, this can lead to unexpected results. example: ~~~~~~~~~~ Select Case o
ID: Acces01876

Datenbank_Access Access97 and outlook: e-mails in Access produces
ID: Acces00285

Datenbank_Access Access97: 2 functions t o the tests whether an object exists frankly and/or
ID: Acces00286

Datenbank_Access Access-Add-Ins COM (AC2003-2007): with Visual studio 2005. pro expansions for Access: * develops of COM-Add-In for Access and starts optimally in Access. * advantages the compiled Add-Ins see also side A168 and A169
ID: Acces08679

Datenbank_Access Access-Session, AC97-20 03, this solution, access protection for Access, close, Access with a click minimizes and opens a dialogue box (input box $), in which a password must be inputed, in order to restore Access as well as maximizes. very practically if
ID: Acces05218

Datenbank_Access Access-Tuning: increases u. the DB-Geschwindigkeit (AC 2.0) 9x you in 2000, by 200 percent and more:--the beginning: a sensible concept--table design optimizes--data bank size reduces--query performance optimizes--alternatives for the network usage.
ID: Acces02448

Datenbank_Access Add-Ins even (Access 95-2 002) draft, see also Redmond's Inside 99/08 pages 385: setup of an Add-Ins (example of CD 3.99), from the data bank to the Add-In, necessary Registry-Einträge, assistants Programmieren. see also A390, ZS00/02,
ID: Add0I01346

Datenbank_Access ADO: frequent problems (AC from 2000):, RecordCount always is in -1, access to a data bank with ADO fails, data banks per ADO compress, access to an Exceltabelle - mistakes in Find-Methode - access to Connection-Object is slow, data bank per ADO on the SQ
ID: ADO0003920

Datenbank_Access ADO: transfer of DAO: a djournment help, differences, tests
ID: ADO0001347

Datenbank_Access ADOX: important bases: ADO X comprises all objects and bases for the administration of tables, and an element of ADO is. universe worth knowing in the PC-MAGAZIN.
ID: ADOX003947

Datenbank_Access Address and contact administra tion combines
ID: Adres00603

Datenbank_Access Addresses: address in several fields (AC2000-2003) apportions
ID: Adres07705

Datenbank_Access Adress: Code example to the inserts an address in Word documents.
ID: Code000333

Datenbank_Access Addresses: house number in separated fields (AC 97-2003) stores. address data fully automatically analyzes.
ID: Adres07707

Datenbank_Access Updating queryings optimally (AC97,2000 ,2002) use:--tasks of updating queryings--bases--field contents flexibly updates--field contents based in other fields updates--field contents based on other tables updates
ID: Aktua03085

Datenbank_Access AllowBypassKey: co help of the quality of AllowBypassKey can fix you, whether the SHIFT KEY (Shift) should be activated to the handling of the start qualities and the macros of AutoExec or not. they can discontinue the quality AllowBypassKey on False, for ...

Function ShiftAus()
ÄndernEigenschaft "AllowBypassKey", dbBoolean, False
End Function

Function ShiftEin()
ÄndernEigenschaft "AllowBypassKey", dbBoolean, True
End Function

Function ÄndernEigenschaft(strEigenschaftenname As String, varEigenschaftentyp As Variant, varEigenschaftenwert As Variant) As Integer
Dim dbs As Database, prp As Property
Const conPropNotFoundError = 3270
Set dbs = CurrentDb
On Error GoTo Err_AendernEigenschaft
dbs.Properties(strEigenschaftenname) = varEigenschaftenwert
ÄndernEigenschaft = True
Exit Function

If Err = conPropNotFoundError Then ' Eigenschaft nicht gefunden.
Set prp = dbs.CreateProperty(strEigenschaftenname, varEigenschaftentyp, varEigenschaftenwert)
dbs.Properties.Append prp
Resume Next
Else ' Unbekannter Fehler.
ÄndernEigenschaft = False
Resume Exit_AendernEigenschaft
End If
End Function

ID: Allow05473

Datenbank_Access AND - operator in query uses
ID: AND0000706

Datenbank_Access Offers with Access and Word, from version 97, ready solution
ID: Angeb00791

Datenbank_Access Animation effects for your forms (AC from 97): installation and use of the' Microsoft animation of Control', control of the animations of VBA.
ID: Anima06576

Datenbank_Access Use system fields from AC2007 more efficiently, fill VBA
ID: Anlag08809

Datenbank_Access Installation fields optimally (AC2007) use. finally, data files can be stored in data banks as exhibit. * setup of the new installation fields * bases: limitations and borders
ID: Anlag08690

Datenbank_Access Indication of additional information directly in the database (AC from 97): 3 ready solutions for the PC-MAGAZIN as well as on the CD.
--solution 1: lively info about field input permanently shows.
--solution 2: input help with Office-Assistent shows
--solution 3: Input help of a register card shows
ID: Anzei05786

Datenbank_Access API - functions s tart
ID: 0API000624

Datenbank_Access API - functions: bases
ID: API0000623

Datenbank_Access API - functions a re converted
ID: API0000625

Datenbank_Access API: Lib msaccess.exe: Functions: (AC97)
Declare Function ErrGetRegVal Lib "msaccess.exe" Alias "#70" (ByVal hkeyRoot As Long, ByVal lpszSubKey As String, ByVal lpszValName As String, lpData As Any, ByVal cbMax As Long) As Long
Declare Function FEnglishPictToLocal Lib "msaccess.exe" Alias "#47" (ByVal lpszSrc As String, ByVal lpszDest As String, ByVal cchMax As Long) As Long
Declare Function HscrOpenEx Lib "msaccess.exe" Alias "#18" (ByVal lpszScript As String, ByVal lpszLabel As Any, ByVal smode As Long, pgrfExtra As Long, psmv As Long) As Long
Declare Sub RewindHscr Lib "msaccess.exe" Alias "#19" (ByVal hscr As Long)
Declare Sub CloseHscr Lib "msaccess.exe" Alias "#20" (ByVal hscr As Long)
Declare Sub AbortHscr Lib "msaccess.exe" Alias "#21" (ByVal hscr As Long)
Declare Function FNextHscr Lib "msaccess.exe" Alias "#22" (ByVal hscr As Long, ByVal fSkipBlank As Long, pfEndOfScript As Long) As Long
Declare Function FGetStringHscrIscc Lib "msaccess.exe" Alias "#23" (ByVal hscr As Long, ByVal iscc As Long, ByVal lpsz As String, ByVal cchMax As Long) As Long
Declare Function FSaveStringHscrIscc Lib "msaccess.exe" Alias "#24" (ByVal hscr As Long, ByVal iscc As Long, ByVal lpsz As String) As Long
Declare Function FSaveActidHscr Lib "msaccess.exe" Alias "#25" (ByVal hscr As Long, ByVal actid As Long) As Long
Declare Function LGetMacroVersion Lib "msaccess.exe" Alias "#26" (ByVal hscr As Long) As Long
Declare Function FSetMacroVersion Lib "msaccess.exe" Alias "#27" (ByVal hscr As Long, ByVal lVer As Long) As Long
Declare Function IsrowOfHscr Lib "msaccess.exe" Alias "#28" (ByVal hscr As Long) As Long
Declare Function ActidOfHscr Lib "msaccess.exe" Alias "#29" (ByVal hscr As Long) As Long
Declare Function CargsOfActid Lib "msaccess.exe" Alias "#30" (ByVal actid As Long) As Long
Declare Sub FillLszFromActid Lib "msaccess.exe" Alias "#32" (ByVal lpsz As String, ByVal CCHBUF As Long, ByVal actid As Long)
Declare Function IdsArgNameOfActidIarg Lib "msaccess.exe" Alias "#33" (ByVal actid As Long, ByVal iArg As Long) As Long
Declare Function IdsComboFillOfActidIarg Lib "msaccess.exe" Alias "#34" (ByVal actid As Long, ByVal iArg As Long) As Long
Declare Function ComboTypOfActidIarg Lib "msaccess.exe" Alias "#35" (ByVal actid As Long, ByVal iArg As Long) As Long
Declare Function IRunCommandIdFromDMIArgs Lib "msaccess.exe" Alias "#54" (ByVal wVer As Long, ByVal mb As Long, ByVal iMN As Long, ByVal iC As Long, ByVal iSC As Long) As Long
Declare Function FGlobalProcExists Lib "msaccess.exe" Alias "#37" (ByVal lpszProcName As String) As Long
Declare Function FOpenPictureFile Lib "msaccess.exe" Alias "#46" (ByVal szPicture As String, ByVal cchMax As Long, cchActual As Long, fCanceled As Long) As Long
Declare Function FXlateExpr Lib "msaccess.exe" Alias "#48" (ByVal lpszSrc As String, ByVal lpszDest As String, cchActual As Long, ByVal cchMax As Long, ByVal xpm As Long, ByVal flags As Long) As Long
Declare Function FIdsDBCSType Lib "msaccess.exe" Alias "#52" (ByVal lpszSrc As String, idsDat As Integer) As Boolean
Declare Function GetTcDIB Lib "msaccess.exe" Alias "#60" (ByVal idBmp As Long, ByVal fLarge As Long, rgbBuf() As Byte) As Long
Declare Function EnableWindow Lib "user32" (ByVal Hwnd As Long, ByVal fEnable As Long) As Integer
Declare Function ErrGetObjNames Lib "msaccess.exe" Alias "#79" (ByVal vWks As Variant, ByVal vDB As Variant, ByVal iObjType As Integer, ByVal lFlags As Long, rgstObj() As String, ByVal iStart As Integer, cObj As Integer) As Long
Declare Function ErrSortStringArray Lib "msaccess.exe" Alias "#81" (rgst() As String) As Long

ID: API0005976

Datenbank_Access API-Funktionen: examples: tables determines, access to Word-Obj., on Registry, also examples for access on Word-Obj. without API-Funktion
ID: API0F00774

Datenbank_Access API-Funktionen: the best 10, part 1, A C97 u. 2000,:--bases: this should know you over API-Funktionen.--you bind the required modules so.--1 drawing selection dialogues for data files and tables--2 special buttons interrogates--3 acoustic references spends
ID: API0F02449

Datenbank_Access API-Funktionen: the best 10, part 2, A C97 u. 2000,:--6 popup-menus comfortable defines--7 title page buttons deactivates--8 program designs controlled interrupts--9 own symbols of forms--10 network turntables connects
ID: API0F02457

Datenbank_Access , To find, of data bank objects
ID: Auffi00606

Datenbank_Access Listing data bank objects in hidden table MSysObjects, with what type in 1 = tables, 6 = joined tables, 5 = queryings, -32768 = forms, -32764 = reports, -32766 = macroses and -32761 = modules. see also Acces-Berater 01/03 T&T O030:

Select Case Me![ObjTyp]
Case "Form": Me![ObjName].RowSource = "SELECT name,type,flags FROM MSYSObjects WHERE type=-32768 AND Flags=0;"
Case "tabelle": Me![ObjName].RowSource = "SELECT name,type,flags FROM MSYSObjects WHERE type=1 AND Flags=0;"
Case "abfrage": Me![ObjName].RowSource = "SELECT name,type,flags FROM MSYSObjects WHERE type=5 AND Flags=0;"
Case "bericht": Me![ObjName].RowSource = "SELECT name,type,flags FROM MSYSObjects WHERE type=-32764 AND Flags=0;"
Case "makro": Me![ObjName].RowSource = "SELECT name,type,flags FROM MSYSObjects WHERE type=-32766 AND Flags=0;"
Case "modul": Me![ObjName].RowSource = "SELECT name,type,flags FROM MSYSObjects WHERE type=-32761 AND Flags=0;"
End Select

ID: Aufli00771

Datenbank_Access Output formats, input formats, new formats produce, color in formats uses like in Excel, for example #. ###; - #. ###[red]"; keinBestand"[Blau]... only beiText, memo, number, currency, Ja/Nein.
ID: Ausga00792

Datenbank_Access Alignment vertically in reports and forms: Since version 2003, it is possible to also lign* up the writing vertically into name fields. the attitude is not expected under format', however under 'others.'
ID: Ausri06059

Datenbank_Access Drawing selection list of VBA fill s: function as the Eingenschaftsfenster of the Kombifelds under" Herkunftstyp", for example FillWithMonth, writes down code for the PC-MAGAZIN.
ID: Auswa00770

Datenbank_Access Interpretatio ns
ID: Auswe00619

Datenbank_Access Interpretations and calculations with Acc ess from version 2.0: tips & tricks around calculations in data banks, principles, calculated fields in forms, with queryings,...
ID: Auswe02086

Datenbank_Access AutoClose-Makro (AC97,2000, 2002) define, so instructions are executed automatically when closing a data bank. the idea: in form for the macros AutoExec Starten, mode = faded out, and the event" when closing" as well as' Form_Close', from this form over Do
ID: AutoC03151

Datenbank_Access Auto correction optimally use s:, Access 97 u. 2000, per button with 2 VBA-Routinen the auto correction for individual text, or combo boxes as well as for a complete form one, as well as turns off.
ID: AutoK02002

Datenbank_Access Automation: Early Binding vs. Late Binding
ID: Autom00626

Datenbank_Access Auto voters: DB as communication headquarters, Tel, uses fax, data transmission numbers autom. chooses
ID: Autow00534

Datenbank_Access Auto value with individual incremental width (AC2000-2007). an undocumented feature of the JetEngine enables it to intend also auto values in the 5er or 10er move. the table must be produced CREATE TABLE or OLD TABLE to it over the SQL command.
Example: * * code start * * CREATE TABLE test table (customer number Counter(100,5), customer name (Text(50,) * * code end * * here becomes the auto value 100 with first, 105 with the second, and 110 with the third data record produces.
ID: Autow08706

Datenbank_Access Auto valu e: alternative = next free number determines, for example for bills, orders,...), to it biggest value (for example SQL-Funktion MAX) seeks, then 1 adds, and value in new data record inserts. from Access 2.0
ID: Autow00781

Datenbank_Access Auto value fields optimally (AC 97-2002) use: tips for the usage of car value fields:--start value puts back--start value with a query individually puts back--cleared auto values again produces--increment and start value per VBA puts in
ID: AutoW03419

Datenbank_Access Backend Zugriff (AC97-2003) accelerates. It is commendable, the table of this backend, to hold data bank shortly. possibly table with SUBST folders.
ID: Back008622

Datenbank_Access Backend data banks dynamically bind (AC97-2007). comfort solution at continuous change this backend storage places.
ID: Back008625

Datenbank_Access Bar charts for time plans (Access 97, 20 00): reports about diagrams for time and project plans, rectangle control element with date stamps steers and generate with it horizontal beams. the code can be tried on easily for older versions of Access.
ID: Balke02022

Datenbank_Access Bar charts of reports and forms (AC97-2007): text boxes as beams, many examples and solutions, represents.
ID: Balke08649

Datenbank_Access , To process, of code in other data banks o r expansions (7.0, 8.0)
ID: Bearb00705

Datenbank_Access Conditional formatting (from Access 2000): fields dependent on the content with other formatting, (color), represents fat, in italics,...), menu format, formatting caused, for forms u. reports. better representation of continuous form. see also Q712TT-03
ID: Bedin01343

Datenbank_Access Conditional compilation (Access 97,2000) puts in: data bank flexibly at different surroundings, bases of the conditional compilation, adjusts the data bank current statuses recognizes, testing on run Time versions.
ID: Bedin02026

Datenbank_Access Finishing of Access (AC97/2003) prevents. the solution is to start a hidden form when opening of the data bank, whose quality is put Cancel" Bei of unloading" on True.
ID: Beend06405

Datenbank_Access Order Sendkeys works no more under Vista
ID: Befeh08698

Datenbank_Access Users of a data bank (from AC2000) determine. solution uses the Access-Funktion scheme.
ID: Benut07760

Datenbank_Access Benutzerdefinierte colors 82.0, 7.0, 8.0,
ID: Benut00697

Datenbank_Access Calculated fields in tables (AC97-2002) store. topics:--calculates you with tied fields so--processes character strings and in tables stores--tables and forms step by step prepares--faulty input and drains fields intercepts
ID: Berec03178

Datenbank_Access Calculated fields in tables (AC2010): New feature in AC2010. Advantages and disadvantages explained.
ID: Berec08827

Datenbank_Access Report from other data bank (AC97,2000 ,2002) prints: this contribution explains another data bank a report like one per Office-Automation prints. example and code of CD, data bank B270TT.MDB,
ID: Beric02558

Datenbank_Access Reports appraise and add up (AC97 ,2000,2002): universe important bases of appraising of reports.
ID: Beric03685

Datenbank_Access Reports automatically per Mail send (AC up to 97): professional singles, and Serie-Mails for your data bank. The report are sent in the RTF, or TXT-Format, over outlook.
ID: Beric06027

Datenbank_Access Reports in Access 2007 produce. new layout view menu meets and uses more effectively.
ID: Beric08708

Datenbank_Access Reports comfortably (AC2000-2007) pass on: reports at users without Access passes on as PDF, RTF or Snapshot
ID: Beric08731

Datenbank_Access Reports maximize shows and matching: **C odeStart**
Dim R as Report, StrReport as String
Application.Echo False
DoCmd.OpenReport StrReport, acViewPreview
Set R = Reports(StrReport)
R.ZoomControl = 0 'Passend
Application.Echo True
Es sollte auch sichergestellt sein, das bei einem Fehler Echo wieder auf True gesetzt wird (Fehler Routine)
ID: Beric02418

Datenbank_Access The new report design is introduced to reports under Access 2007 in this article.
ID: Beric07167

Datenbank_Access Reports: auto formats right starts, from AC97. tips to shaping of report with help of the auto format. own auto formats draft, and on other PCs transfers.
ID: Beric07765

Datenbank_Access Reports: the most frequent questions (AC97-2002). topics:--lines is not printed right--reports with any printer spends--emptiness reports intercepts--waiting, until a report geschlossen/ausgedruckt is--cut-off texts and drains lines prevents. see also add
ID: Beric03264

Datenbank_Access Reports: quality' of Pages' correctly interroga tes (AC97-2002): this quality delivers only correct values if in the report a free field with a formula like' = [sides]' or' = [side] &" /" & [sides]' decides.
ID: Beric03179

Datenbank_Access Reports: continuous numbering (AC97-2003). several reports about a document summarize. individual paging.
ID: Beric08637

Datenbank_Access Reports: current numbering: (AC9 7-2003):
--data records, to spend many times in reports,
--spend each data record with a current number.
--binds ready solution in your data bank.
ID: Beric03863

Datenbank_Access Reports: zero values suppresses: the s implest way is the use of format like with Excel: #. ###,00; #. ###,00"";""; with this format becomes empty values (3.-cut off) and zero values (4.-cut off) as portrayed blank characters.
ID: Beric03857

Datenbank_Access Reports: pro tips for the practice (AC97, 2000,2002): topics:--reports with or without details spends--critical data records strikingly accentuates--becomes better legibly in the cross format reports so--time line in reports (schedule) represents
ID: Beric03155

Datenbank_Access Reports: paging, tips and solutions (AC97-2003): pagin g as flexibly as in Word.
ID: Beric05223

Datenbank_Access Reports: status-bar indicator (AC97-2002): red exclamation marks or becomes green check marks as status-bar indicator behind a line adds adds. example:
With me![Status]
If Me![erledigt]=true then
End If
End With

ID: Beric06026

Datenbank_Access Reports: intermediate totals and carry forward (A C97-2003): so produces you correct multilateral bills and offers
ID: Beric03921

Datenbank_Access Report formation: fi elds according to values differently represents, writing color, background, borders, fat,... co VBA-Code. as examples see calendars and vacation calendars in GIM.
ID: Beric00779

Datenbank_Access Report formation: sub reports optimally uses (AC9 7-2002): topics:--application area--summary at the Berichtsende shows--comfortable Einbindung of graphics: logos as sub reports instead of pictures inserts: should itself the logo alters, you only need this
ID: Beric03173

Datenbank_Access Report formation: sub reports comfortably summarizes: (AC from 97) * summarizing surveys about another sub report * usage of domain functions * surveys per VBA-Funktion
ID: Beric06550

Datenbank_Access Description from data bank window menu (AC97-2003) reads and FOR EXAMPLE in a report spends. VBA-Lösung in the PC-MAGAZIN. Zum example can be shown the description by it as report titles.
ID: Besch06082

Datenbank_Access Bezeihungen: Visualisierung of an Access - data bank structure with VISIO (Access 97) 2000, Visio 5.0, graphic copy of an Access 97/2000 produces, the complete code is on the MAGAZIN-CD 03/99
ID: Bezei01459

Datenbank_Access Relationships in Access right uses: in dexes, referentielle integrity, primary key see also I400: indexes - more data bank performance
ID: Bezie01348

Datenbank_Access Relationships via query or VBA list (AC up to 97). By clicking the relationships of Table notice.
ID: Bezie08810

Datenbank_Access Screen dissolution determines, AC97 u. 2000,: benefits you API-Funktionen, to determine about the current screen dissolution from Access out, and, to adjust your forms to it. ~~~~~~~~~~ screen dissolution (only VGA) fixes. used API-Funktionen: see COBB's
ID: Bilds00290

Datenbank_Access Screen dissolution: forms and control elements dynamically adjusts (AC2000-2007). you try on your forms dynamically at different screen dissolutions.
- newcomers functions as AC2007
- solution also for older versions
ID: Bilds08626

Datenbank_Access Twinkle effects of forms ( from Access 2.0): with the timer event and the quality of ForeColor can be brought texts to the twinkle.
Sub Form_Timer()
If lblTxt.ForeColor = QBColor(0) Then
lblTxt.ForeColor = QBColor(14)
lblTxt.ForeColor = QBColor(0)
End If
End Sub
Timer from Form = 500 (=0,5 Sekunden).
ID: Blink02023

Datenbank_Access BLOBs in OLE fields storage (AC97-2003). an uncommon technology to the storage of data files in data banks, as Binary Large object:--finally any binary data, to store in Access,--two little known methods of OLE fields, to use.
ID: BLOBs06408

Datenbank_Access Bookmarks: data finds with application of Bookmarks, data records in Recordsets determine (find, Seek, index)
ID: Bookm00769

Datenbank_Access Borland Database Engine (AC2000 and 20 02) control: over following Registry-Eintrag can be forced the BDE. if access to paradox and dBase data files can be used, this can be turned off.' HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Jet\4.0\Engines\XBase'
ID: Borla02794

Datenbank_Access Manage booking data (AC up to 2000): A ready-to-use solution as a basis for your solution.
ID: Buchu08813

Datenbank_Access Bug in Access 2000: i n the article is explained the 15 most important bow, with solution to handling of this of bug:, damaged VBA-Projekt, Programmabsturtz at the deletion of data records in the sub form, in printout is in a query on 511 signs shortened,
ID: Bugs001486

Datenbank_Access CD drives per VBA (Access 95, 97, 2000,) recognize, the API-Funktion" GetDriveType (uses,", that of VBA-Prozedur deliver Falsch' or' true with the input' TestCD (" D":,', code for the PC-MAGAZIN
ID: CD0La02015

Datenbank_Access Chat-System for access-databases (AC fro m 2000): a ripe solution, to send at Access-Benutzer about information. logged users can also communicate together. works like an Internet-Chat-System. the' Mailslots' and API-Funktionen of Windows become used.
ID: Chat005689

Datenbank_Access CHR$(10) and 13: alternative ist vbCrLf and vbNewLine (VBA-Constants)
ID: Ansta06078

Datenbank_Access COM-Adds for Access (AC f rom 2000). professional Access-Erweiterungen with Visual-Basic, (toolbars), develop menus, etc....)
ID: COM0A05690

Datenbank_Access Computername back with Environ("COMPUTERNAME").
ID: Compu08850

Datenbank_Access Countdown 2000
ID: Contd00643

Datenbank_Access DAO and ODBCDirect
ID: DAO0u00604

Datenbank_Access DAO and new ADO parallel in Access 2000 starts.
ID: DAO0u01372

Datenbank_Access Representation holes (fr om 7.0) avoid
ID: Datst00723

Datenbank_Access File and data record simultaneously (AC from 9 7) delete. small tip for file administrations in Access (FOR EXAMPLE pictures, sounds, documents): the introduced procedure deletes the data record and the interconnected file
ID: Datei05688

Datenbank_Access File date determines
ID: Das0D00634

Datenbank_Access File date ( 7.0, 8.0) determines
ID: Das0D00692

Datenbank_Access Data files open and store with API -Funktionen
ID: Datei00772

Datenbank_Access files and directories read (AC97-2003): Alternative to the Dir-Befehl: query about' Microsoft Scripting Runtime of Library'
ID: Datei08631

Datenbank_Access File functions with comfort (AC from 2000). object" FileSearch" on CD. * file drawing selection * file search with or without date limit. result is listed in an Access-Formular, and can be used further * data files copies
ID: Datei06326

Datenbank_Access File administration of V BA, AC97 u. 2000,:--important bases of the FileSearch-Objekt--comfortable file drawing selection in your data bank--data files with FileSearch-Objekt copies--special functions of the FileSearch-Objekts--efficient data backup from A
ID: Datei02437

Datenbank_Access File administration: quality dialogue of document (AC97-2007) shows: these dialogue, that is normally opened in the Windows-Explorer over right mouse button, can be opened from an Access-DB per VBA. solution uses the API" ShellExecuteEx (,"
ID: Datei08666

Datenbank_Access Data from damaged tables (AC from 97) rescue: ready solution of the PC-MAGAZIN
ID: Daten05864

Datenbank_Access Data from letzem data record (AC97-2007) take over. comfortable data takeover also for sub forms. with this solution, the data about the Registry are between-stored. see also side D052
ID: Daten08726

Datenbank_Access Data in the Intran et or in the internet (from 2.0) publish
ID: Daten00711

Datenbank_Access Datenarchivierung: simply per mouse click (AC97-2003): data records in a separated data bank archives, and the process automates: - taxes - which are archived data records - position record data bank, transfers data records, - all automates. ready solutio
ID: Daten03922

Datenbank_Access Data exchange for e-mail, Teil1 (AC97,2000,2002): an innovative solution for the data exchange for not connected workplaces:--simple solution to the more decentralized data input--delivery of data banks of e-mail automates--data is sent from the data bank
ID: Daten03156

Datenbank_Access Data bank as communication headquarte rs
ID: Daten00652

Datenbank_Access Data bank size: an Access 2000 data bank tolerates up to 2 gigabytes on data, independently from the number of the data records, in AC 97 only 1 gigabytes.
ID: Daten06014

Datenbank_Access Data bank in the Systray (AC from 2000) sets aside. an innovative method, to call even faster around your data bank. usage of the more corresponding API-Funktion
ID: Daten06577

Datenbank_Access Data bank now (AC2003) compresses. per VBA, the own DB leaves itself per button pressure on VBA like follows komprimieren:<BR > < tt > Function DB_Compact (, DoCmd.Close acForm," Hauptmenu" DoEvents Application.
Set option" car compact"True' when finishing compresses DoEvents DoCmd.Quit < BR></tt > if you, that this from now happens when normal finishing the data bank, didn't like, so you put back this quality again over AUTOEXEC. example:
< tt>Function KomprimierenBeimBeenden_aus (,' * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * On Error Resume Next Application.SetOption" car compact"False' when not finishing compresses final Function < BR></tt >. you then call the function in the AUTOEXEC.
The Function DB_Compact (, the data bank places the option and finish, immediately is compressed consequently.
ID: Daten08029

Datenbank_Access Data bank doesn't let finished (AC9 7,2000,2002): following causes is possible:--the access to VBA on a Recordset is not joined with' Close'.--in faded out form still is open--in access to automation on another Office-Anwendung was properly not finished--i
ID: Daten03086

Datenbank_Access Data bank logo individually shows, universe versions., to show about an individual logo as well as start picture for a data bank, you need to cast off only one BMP-Datei in the data bank table.
The file must have the same name as the data bank, however with the expansion BMP (bitmap picture). example: * * code start * * data bank name: MeineDatenbank.MDB, picture name MeineDatenbank.BMP * * code end * * tip:
Not any picture should be shown, produces a picture, that is for 1 pixels 1 x precisely big.
ID: Daten06543

Datenbank_Access Data bank with call word (AC97, 2000,2002) starts: example, how a data bank can be opened per VBA, as alternative to Shell-Anweisung (that cannot hand over any call word). Di3e DB is initialized with" New Access.Application", with OpenCurrentDatabase opene
ID: Daten03403

Datenbank_Access Data bank optimally (AC97,2 000,2002) looked after: so avoids you defective and slow data banks:--why data banks must be compressed--automates the compression--references for developers and Admins
ID: Daten03144

Datenbank_Access Data bank: attitude and options to VBA (AC2000-2007) places with GetOption and set option
ID: Daten08709

Datenbank_Access Data bank alteration (AC97,2000,200 2) prevents: with a simple trick closes you all treatment functions: to it must be started merely the data bank with the parameter / Runtime, FOR EXAMPLE" D:\Daten\Adressen.mdb / runtime"
ID: Daten03162

Datenbank_Access Data bank qualities (fr om 7.0) process
ID: Daten00722

Datenbank_Access Data bank qualities per VBA (AC from 97) interrogate: qualities like" titles"," topic"," author" can be finished reading per VBA. code example of the PC-MAGAZIN.
ID: Daten05865

Datenbank_Access Data bank attitudes (Import/Export-Spez., toolbars) take over: these attitude s is saved in each data bank in the spreadsheet (system objects) not standard visibly, can be transferred not without further from a data bank to the other, however. solution: im
ID: Daten02435

Datenbank_Access Data banks automatically cancel: waiting Sie never again, that all users finally checked out in order to execute maintenance works for the data bank (bake). concept:--in the bakes of the DB considers a table with a Ja/Nein field, that is put on' yes' with
ID: Daten02423

Datenbank_Access Data banks (from 7.0) op en
ID: Daten00724

Datenbank_Access Data bank constants
ID: Daten00614

Datenbank_Access Datenbankkübergreifende menu and toolbars (7.0, 8.0)
ID: Daten00703

Datenbank_Access Data bank objects in external data banks manipulate
ID: Daten00699

Datenbank_Access Data bank path determines: Pfad=db.Name
ID: Pfad000690

Datenbank_Access Data bank backup, user rights, Acce ss 97, 2000,: the security model of Access, data bank backup activates, new users, protection of individual objects, position administering of groups, team, tips and references.
ID: Daten02017

Datenbank_Access Data bank start (AC97-2007) accelerates: forms in the background, preloading, loads
ID: Daten08742

Datenbank_Access Datenbankverwaltung/Datenpflege per SQL (AC97-2002): benefits you direct SQL-Befehle instead of awkward queries: SQL-Direktformular on MAGAZIN-CD, application examples of the PC-MAGAZIN,
ID: Daten03420

Datenbank_Access Data sheet view menu dynamically, (AC2000-2007),: sub forms for data sheet view menu: tips and tips for more security. advantages and disadvantages over continuous form.
ID: Daten08732

Datenbank_Access Data definition queryings (AC97,2000,2002): technology about tables faster VBA-Code even more efficiently produce and shape:--basis: data definition queryings--CREATE TABLE: tables aims--OLD TABLE: tables alters--CREATE INDEX: index aims--DROP TABLE/INDEX
ID: Daten02561

Datenbank_Access Data acquisition (AC97,2000, 2002) records: simple Protokollierung from" produce on the, produce from, last alteration at the, last alteration from". example of the PC-MAGAZIN
ID: Daten03405

Datenbank_Access Data import managers sebst done: preparation of an import mask with dialog box, file filters, RecentFileList,...
ID: Daten00536

Datenbank_Access Data series in variables (7.0, 8.0) store
ID: Daten00701

Datenbank_Access Data record in the sub form (AC all) activates. example: * * code start * * me.Unterform.Setfocus DoCmd.GotoRecord acActiveDataObject "acGoto,Datensatznummer * * code end * *
ID: Daten08612

Datenbank_Access Data record notic es
ID: Daten00691

Datenbank_Access Data record stoppage: the 3 different Sperrmethoden in Access. Access offers three different Sperrmethoden, that have an effect on the speed of the data bank and on the availability of the data.
With the pessimistic stoppage, several users can admittedly access the same data bank, however, each individual data record can be processed only by one user.
As long as a data record is changed, the writing access to these data remains blocked for all other users. the pessimistic stoppage admittedly is sure, reduces the availability and the speed with the data access, however.
Therefore use the pessimistic data record stoppage only for data, that frequently are altered by different co-workers. with the optimistic data record stoppage, several Access-Benutzer can alter the same data record simultaneously.
However, the right of the faster is valid at the storage: who his/its alterations first stores doesn't have any problems. the second user is warned by Access that this data record was altered since beginning of the treatment of another user.
Access offers three ways out to you in order to solve these writing conflicts: co the button" data record stores" you entitle the alterations of the colleague.
Copying" the button" in clipboard stores your data record in the clipboard so that you compare the data of the colleague afterwards and can insert your data record from the clipboard in the data bank if necessary.
If you discard own alterations the button"" clicks, your alterations are deleted. the optimistic data record stoppage recommends for topical data, that rarely or only are altered by a person.
Access offers a third Sperrmethode, that closes all data records of a table, beside the two data record stoppages. this method schränkt the multiuser operation however strongly one and should therefore be chosen only in exceptions.
Close all data records of a table if you want to guarantee with an interpretation that the data are not altered meanwhile. the Sperrmechanismen belong to the standard outlook of Access.
In order to discontinue the network options, you call the command extras > options on and selects the register" further". in the option group" standard with Datensatzsperrung" fixes you, as Access closes the data records.
In the option group" standard with Datensatzsperrung" doesn't put in any stoppage" standard Access the option". in this case, Access applies the optimistic Sperrmethode.
If you decide data record" in favor of the Sperrmethode" Bearbeiteter, Access uses the pessimistic stoppage. in VBA, you can put in the data record stoppage GetOption and set option with the methods: Application.
GetOption (" standard with Datensatzsperrung", Application.SetOption" standard with Datensatzsperrung", 0 the method of GetOption returns the Standard-Sperrmethoden. the set option method alters the Sperrmethode:
The value 0 corresponds to the option" no stoppage" while the options" of process possess data record" and" universe data records" the values 1 and 2. sources:
ID: Daten06130

Datenbank_Access Data record number for several tables: form aims, for each table this should be shown an ungebundenesTextfeld aims, with following content in' control element content': * * code start * * = cathedral number (" *"," table name", * * code end * *
ID: Daten06539

Datenbank_Access Data records in tables with referenzieller integrity insert
ID: Daten00685

Datenbank_Access Data records in sub forms count
ID: Daten00710

Datenbank_Access Datensatzprotokollierung for forms (Access f rom 2.0): the here introduced solution records all alterations of data records of forms for solid-defined fields. you determine the index fields, and the TRACK-Felder this should be recorded, also declining func
ID: Daten02004

Datenbank_Access Datensatzprotokollierung for forms (AC97-2003). similar functions like the solution D090. The deleting of recordsets additionally. However, no undo function contains. Solution also is for front-end / backend data banks conceives.
Complete modules on the MAGAZIN-CD.
ID: Daten05798

Datenbank_Access Data record election against Popu p-Formular, alternative to the list box, to slow with froßen amounts of data,
ID: Daten00787

Datenbank_Access Protection of data privacy against XOR-Ve rschlüsselung (AC97,2000,2002). instruction in the PC-MAGAZIN, modules on the CD under \ TIPPS\D080TT.MDB Weitere info under V650TT
ID: Daten03161

Datenbank_Access Data management with m:n-Beziehung: dispatcher table uses, tips over Referenziale-Intigrität
ID: Daten00776

Datenbank_Access Data access with ADO: queryings, part 4 (Access 2000): contact with saved drawing selection and parameter queryings, as well as tempor. action queryings.
ID: Daten01325

Datenbank_Access Data access with ADO (Access 2000), data records generate, deletes, duplicates, processes, Sperrverhalten
ID: Daten01455

Datenbank_Access Date from calendar week (AC97-2003) determines. as you know there is not any function in order to return the month from a calendar week as date in Access. ready VBA-Prozeduren on the MAGAZIN-CD.
ID: Datum07163

Datenbank_Access Date calculation: current age of a person (AC from 97) calculates: * * code start * * DatDiff (" jjjj"; [Geburtstag];Datum () +, Format(Datum (,"; mmtt", < Format([Geburtstag]"; mmtt", * * code end * *
ID: Datum06573

Datenbank_Access Date and time determine: date and time separately interrogates., DateValue([AngebotenAm], TimeValue([AngebotenAm],
ID: Datum03945

Datenbank_Access Query criterions for date: If of date you, or in the time of-referential criterions for the argument criterions would like to boast, you give one of date, or current value at element of the sign follow printout at. This value must in number signs (#) implied is.
Comment through the number sign is informed of Microsoft Access that the argument contains criterions within a sign consequence a date or a time.
Assumed, you produce a filter for a form personnel, in order to show the data records of all the employee, they on January 1 1960 or later, were born. You/they could put the argument together criterions of the quality filters of the form like in the following example then.
Forms!Personal.Filter = "[date of birth] >= #1-1-60" #
Heed: Here, the usual format like '' doesn't work mostly but 'd-m-yy' as well as 'm-d-yy'
For example:
DatVarVonFld = Me![DatVon] 'variant
DatVarVon = "#" & Mid(DatVarVonFld, 4, 2) & "-" & Left(DatVarVonFld, 2) & "-" & Right(DatVarVonFld, 4) & "#" 'MM DD YY
DatVarBisFld = Me![DatBis] 'variant
DatVarBis = "#" & Mid(DatVarBisFld, 4, 2) & "-" & Left(DatVarBisFld, 2) & "-" & Right(DatVarBisFld, 4) & "#" 'MM DD YY
CritDat = "[datum] >= " & DatVarVon & " AND [datum] <= " & DatVarBis '"[datum] >= #1-1-60#"
ID: Abfra05723

Datenbank_Access Date: time calculation for work and holidays (AC from 97): working times, periods and dates fast and comfortably calculates.
ID: Datum06581

Datenbank_Access Date functions: give the month of the handed over calendar week as date back:
* * Code start * * Public Function DatumMontag(ArgKW ace byte (Optional ArgJahr) ace of Date' * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *' only European date, from which of Newsgroup of Karl Donaubauer of Date D Dim KWMon ace
in the XJahr ace honest' * * * If IsMissing(ArgJahr, Then XJahr = CInt(Format(Date," yyyy", Else XJahr = CInt(ArgJahr, final If' * * * KWMon = DateSerial(XJahr, 1, 1, +, ArgKW - 1, * 7 KWMon =
KWMon + 1 - WeekDay(KWMon (vbMonday) If Format(KWMon," ww", vbMonday, vbFirstFourDays, <> ArgKW Then KWMon = KWMon + 7 date Mondays = KWMon End Function * * code end * *
ID: Datum06301

Datenbank_Access Date queryings in the clear text (AC97-2003): time periods fast and flexibly interrogates.
ID: Datum08632

Datenbank_Access Date stamps in SQL-Statements tips for the contact of date fields in SQL-Statements. use of CDate. preparations of a global function for the return of the American date format
ID: Datum08608

Datenbank_Access Date criterions comfortably (AC97-2003) fix. solutions around the query of time periods.
ID: Datum07168

Datenbank_Access dBase, and paradox tables in Access 2000: s o guarantees you that dBase, and paradox tables after the conversion of the Access97-Datenbank from Access2000 again can be processed. for the writing access, the BDE (Borland Database Engine) must be installed,
ID: dBase02445

Datenbank_Access DDE from Access: if' of HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Excel.Sheet.8\shell\Open\ddeexec' (standard) [open (" %1",] sedate is, then, DDE is activated for Excel. furthermore following Registry-Einträge must be sedate for the corresponding application (FOR EXAMPLE Excel):
(Name of the Application and Topic):' HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Excel.Sheet.8\shell\Open\ddeexec\application': FOR EXAMPLE Excel' HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Excel.Sheet.8\shell\Open\ddeexec\topic':
One gains result same FOR EXAMPLE system Das over the Windows-Explorer, menu Extra/Ordneroption/Dateitypen / expansion XLS then widen open selects processing and fills the entries under DDE:--DDE uses:--DDE-Nachricht:
[open (" %1",]--application: Excel--topic: system Mit of this solution can also be found out like an application (here Excel) must be spoken to, if the values are already sedate.
ID: DDE0a06058

Datenbank_Access Diagrams of Access2007: diagrams of comfortable data filter * PivotCharts-Formulare produces * PivotCharts per VBA steers * interactive diagram in the practice
ID: Diagr08719

Datenbank_Access DLookup: optimized DLookup is a very practical instruction, about fast a value, to get from a table in a VBA-Prozedur, without the Recordset, only one line!, to open. however this command has many disadvantages:
He/it is slow, and doesn't release the table handles clean. an alternative (small module), that remedies this deficiency (DLookupEx), is in the PC-MAGAZIN. additionally backed this function a fourth parameter: the sorting.
It can be looked for more exactly after a value with it (... the first if one sorts ascending, the last if one sorts descending. Oder it can be sorted after another field. example:
Ergebnis = DLookupEx("[Auftragsnummer]","[Auftraege]","[Kunde]='"& ABC &"'","[BestellDat]")
... delivers the order number of tidings ABC with the youngest tillage date.
ID: DLook05981

Datenbank_Access Dokumentenverwaltung (AC97,2000,2002) thousand of document efficiently in Access administers, data files directly from Access opens, access to Office-Dokumenteinfos over reference on the library' DS: OLE Document Properties 1.2'
ID: Dokum03157

Datenbank_Access Domain functions in the practice usage (AC97-2003). universe over the domain functions in queryings and VBA.
ID: Domän07722

Datenbank_Access DoMenultem: arguments for the commands DoMenultem and RunCommand
ID: Argum00664

Datenbank_Access DoMenultem: inclusion with help of the method DoMenultem (7.0, 8.0)
ID: Einf000665

Datenbank_Access Double data records (Access 97,2000 ) avoid: indexes is no suitable means to the avoidance of double data records, presentation of a ready solution to the recognizing of double data already during the input, adaptation to own data bank,
ID: Doppe02028

Datenbank_Access DOS window m enus close
ID: DOS0F00694

Datenbank_Access Download of data files about Access (AC97-2007). Download without Internet-Explorer (over API" ShellExecute ()". example of the PC-MAGAZIN
ID: Downl08668

Datenbank_Access Printing: into preprinted forms prints
ID: In0vo00644

Datenbank_Access Printers under AC2007 In Access 2007 can admittedly be put in special printers, however the standard will be put in printers when renewed opening the report. solution exists to put in the special printer in it per VBA (Report_open).
Solution of the PC-MAGAZIN.
ID: Druck08688

Datenbank_Access Printer changes of VBA for reports, Acces s 97 u. 2000,: reports comfortably on any printers spends, reports and printers in dialogues select.
ID: Druck02005

Datenbank_Access DSOFILE.DLL, Dokumenteneigenschaften (Access 9 7, 2000) finish reading: this DLL enables to finish reading qualities of office document, they are not installed.--installation of the DLL: DSOFILE.EXE of the CD starts, DLL from demTEMP-Verzeichnis in% window
ID: DSOFI02024

Datenbank_Access Duplicates automatically, (AC97), d elete 2000, 2002,:--concept of the efficient contact with duplicates--does you with the ready solution so--the usage of the solution in your data bank--the function manner in the detail
ID: Dupli02801

Datenbank_Access Duplicates automatically (AC97-2007) prevent. reaches so doubled data records not at all into your data bank.
* Duplicates immediately after the acquisition of a field recognizes * possible duplicates automatically shows * Zeitaufwändige rework of the data avoids * ready solution of the PC-MAGAZIN
ID: Dupli08700

Datenbank_Access Duplicates comfortably seek: tips and technologies to the search of double addresses in your data banks, sound ex technology,...
ID: Dupli02721

Datenbank_Access Dynamic data access to th e Intranet or internet (from 7.0)
ID: Dynam00712

Datenbank_Access Own toolbars for your data bank
ID: Eigen00642

Datenbank_Access Quality" Dirty", mode" new data record" AC97-2002 interrogates: If of me.N ewRecord Then.... True delivers if the data record is again If of me.Dirty Then... delivers True if at least 1 fields were altered. it is no new data record in the case. ~~~~~~~~~~
ID: Die0E00677

Datenbank_Access Quality" standard treatment" of forms (2.0)
ID: Die0E00676

Datenbank_Access Input mistakes intercept and correct (AC97-2007): ready solution for more input comfort
ID: Einga08650

Datenbank_Access Input format in uppercase letters: (Ac cess 2.0 until 2000) with following procedure, every sign immediately is converted, during the input,:

Sub Txt_KeyPress (KeyAscii as Integer)
KeyAscii = Asc(UCase$(Chr$(KeyAscii)))
End Sub

ID: Einga01344

Datenbank_Access E-mail: Mailinglisten with Access and outlook (AC97-2002): topics:--prerequisites and function (OL 98) 2000 or 2002,--automatic at - and logoff--restrictions of the outlook library
ID: E0Mai03169

Datenbank_Access E-mail contents in data banks (AC2000-2003) take over. contents from Webformulare into your data bank read.--outlook stewards automatically on new news tests--news texts or email-is attached to per VBA analyzes
ID: E0Mai06084

Datenbank_Access Emails CDOSYS.DLL (AC up to 2000): Bypass Outlook and send emails via SMTP directly from Access. The CDOSYS.DLL is a library of Windows up to Windows 2000
ID: e0Mai08814

Datenbank_Access E-mails per mouse clic k (Access 97 - 2000): from hyper link fields use to the sends from e-mails, E-Mail-Client activate, protocol" mailto" automatically per VBA, cooperation with outlook, binds... see also Access-Berater 01/04 tips & tricks A560: file ap
ID: E0Mai01352

Datenbank_Access Continuous forms: current data record color-like marks, Access from version 95, terminal' uses the form quality' of SelTop' and the typeface'
ID: Endlo02088

Datenbank_Access Continuous form, sort of (Access 2.0 and upper): composes dynamically of SQL-queries and a form assigns, each columns sort, like in Excel.
ID: Sorti02006

Datenbank_Access Enum-Deklarationen (AC from 2000) help FOR EXAMPLE, to define about constants for own functions. these then are available also when developing as the Access delivers FOR EXAMPLE the constants for the MsgBox-Funktionen in the VBA-Editor. example:
Public Enum eImpExport
eImport = 0
eExport = 1
End Enum

ID: Enum005686

Datenbank_Access Event" with not in list" of co mbo boxes (2.0)
ID: Das0E00670

Datenbank_Access Event" after updating" at combo boxes (2.0)
ID: Das0E00671

Datenbank_Access Event" pre updating" and" after updating"
ID: Die0E00672

Datenbank_Access Event procedures find
ID: Ereig00669

Datenbank_Access Events into the grip get, part 1
ID: Die0E00596

Datenbank_Access Events: bases: events o ptimally uses per VBA
ID: Ereig03949

Datenbank_Access Event allocation of the register - control eleme nt
ID: Ereig00716

Datenbank_Access Results of reports look a t
ID: Ergeb00704

Datenbank_Access Error-Handling professionally and comfortably, (AC97-2003). the best tips to the mistake treatment in your procedures.
ID: Error06085

Datenbank_Access Etiquette pressure with Ac cess (AC97,2000,2002) the flexible solution to the comfortable printing etiquette bows. see also Erratum in edition" October November 2003, News and trends side 04
ID: Etike03152

Datenbank_Access Excel - functions in Access u se
ID: Excel00632

Datenbank_Access Excel data exchange with Access 2007: newcomers functions uses
ID: Excel08680

Datenbank_Access Excel: data of Access transfers, (AC 97- 2003): comfortable data export from Excel with subsequent processing.
ID: Excel03914

Datenbank_Access Excel: bind tables (AC up to 2002) updates. after the SP2 for Office 2003 or the Update of October 2005 for Office 2002, becomes, for security reasons or legal reasons, the bound Excel-Tabellen no more updates.
In this contribution, you find out how you solve the problem as well as can handle.
ID: Excel06028

Datenbank_Access Excel-Arbeitsmappen completely import: (AC from 97). you summarize several work steps in a comfortable solution. * the ready solution to the complete import on the MAGAZIN-CD * table leaves into separated Access-Tabellen imports.
ID: Excel06544

Datenbank_Access Excel-Daten more effectively (AC97- 2000-2002) import. this contribution expounds complex imports of the Excel-Dateien, with which is imported FOR EXAMPLE only individual columns into selected tables. tip: with file name can be declared a function, that a
ID: Excel03260

Datenbank_Access Excel-Daten with Access (AC 97-2003) exchange: advanced technologies to the data exchange between Access and Excel.
ID: Excel07169

Datenbank_Access Excel-Export without data record limitation (AC2000-2007). with application of DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet, the export possibly is up to 65.000 data records. must be declared acSpreadSheetTypeExcel9' on that occasion as parameters.'
ID: Excel08623

Datenbank_Access Excel-Tabellen (AC97-2002 ) widen: this contribution explains directly as joined tables in the data bank window menu like Excel-Tabellen in Access is added, and as the data per query widened and can be updated.
ID: Excel03163

Datenbank_Access Excel-Tabellen dynamically (AC97-2003) bind. never again problems with altered steward structures. example of the CD
ID: Excel06081

Datenbank_Access Exclusive opening (Access from 2.0 ) prevents: the VBA-Routine is started in the' Autoexec'-Makro as condition. the routine" delivers true (... the user starts the data bank exclusively, the DB immediately is closed again.
ID: Exklu02016

Datenbank_Access Color values after RGB (AC97- 2002) convert: Access-Farben (number) in RGB-Werte, instruction in the PC-MAGAZIN, converts module on the CD under \ TIPPS\F080TT.MDB
ID: Farbw03164

Datenbank_Access Fooleries with the Windows fax service (AC97-2003): Faxversand of Access-Berichte automates. co fax service from Windows 2000 and XP
ID: Faxen07712

Datenbank_Access Error 429 object preparation for Active-X-Komponente: problem: error message": object preparation for Active-X-Komponente not possibly". (mistakes 429).
This passes mostly cause after a new installation from Office/Access or after the change of the Windows version or the like: mostly a registration mistake of the dao.dll. the file hangs from the Access-Version on.
A97--> dao350.dll
A00/AXP/A03--> dao360.dll
solution: seeks of DLL on the hard disk (mostly in c:\Programme\Gemeinsame Dateien\Microsoft Shared\DAO) and registers again with regsvr32.exe (in the Win\System-Directory).
To it the DLL per Drag and Drop in the Explorer on regsvr32.exe pulls or in the start strip of Windows with executing following inputs: regsvr32.exe" DeinPfad\dao350.dll" . Case's the registration doesn't work out as well as
nothing brings, maybe the DLL is defective. Try to replace these with those of the Office-CD, table: \ Os\MsApps\Dao, or through one of a computer, on which the problem doesn't appear. Then again the registration executes.
ID: Fehle05939

Datenbank_Access Mistakes in fields
ID: Fehle00605

Datenbank_Access Mistake treatment on ADO (AC2000) r earranges: after the alteration of a data bank of DAO on ADO works no more the mistake routines, since Microsoft structured the mistake numbers again. co following trick can grab you on the old mistake numbers:

On Error Resume Next
If Err <> 0 Then
Err = cnn.Errors(cnn.Errors.Count - 1)
End If
Select Case Err
Case 3024 'Datei nicht gefunden
Resume ...
Case ...
End Select

ID: Fehle02455

Datenbank_Access Error message" data record to big..." (AC97-2002): the maximum size for a data record in Access is 2.000 bytes. the effective input is included relevant at text fields in the fields, not the definition of the fields. a solution is to be started memo field
ID: Fehle03166

Datenbank_Access Error message" increase data banks cannot be opened. (AC97-2003). this error message actually doesn't refer to the number on table from data banks but from access.
Also calls like DLookup (, can be the cause, since DLookup doesn't close the table. tip: with use of Recordsets, these shall rs.close' for me' and' set rs=nothing' deinitialisiert becomes.
ID: Fehle06083

Datenbank_Access Error message" this application could not be started, because...": this error message can happen after the installing of an Add-In under Windows XP.
If additionally the typeface in the data bank window menu fat or appears not just like otherwise, a XML-Datei is the cause: * * code start * * msaccess.exe.manifest * * code end * *. you simply rename the file.
ID: Fehle06574

Datenbank_Access Mistake source s
ID: Fehle00617

Datenbank_Access Field contents as lively info show, from Access 97,: the solution for cut-off field contents in forms, function SETipTextSetzen (.
ID: Feldi02082

Datenbank_Access Field names over Bezeichnungsfeld (AC all) finish reading: indication text of associated name field finishes reading: * * code start * * strCaptionLabel=Me.Textfeld.Controls(0. Caption * * code end * * vice-versa: control element of a name sphere determines:
* * Code start * * StrTextFeld=Me.Bezeichnugsfeld.Parent.Name * * code end * *
ID: Feldn07709

Datenbank_Access Field protection against all variations (AC97-2007): ready solution of the PC-MAGAZIN.
* Protection against field level, individual users * individuals fields per call word protects * text and memo fields against inadvertent alteration protects * storage of alterations confirms
ID: Felds08681

Datenbank_Access Window menu mode over API-Funktion determines, AC97 u. 2000,: in Access even none possibly gives it opened to determine like a form is, normally, dialogue, minimize, maximize. since forms from view of the system are normal window menus, the API-Funktion'
ID: Fenst02446

Datenbank_Access Window menu positions store and restore (AC97-200 2): complete solution for the PC-MAGAZIN and on CD:--window size and position at the abandonment stores, and when opening restores.--info in the Registry stores
ID: Fenst03265

Datenbank_Access It determines whether a data record was positione d again (2.0)
ID: Fests00680

Datenbank_Access Filecopy doesn't support any Wildcards:
Use Filecopy in a loop with' Dir':

Filename = Dir(SourceDir & Maske, vbNormal)
Do While Filename <> ""
FileCopy SourceDir & Filename, TargetDir & Filename
Filename = Dir

ID: Filec05829

Datenbank_Access FileDialog do not rum with Access 64Bit Alternative: Use FileDialog from Office with "Microsoft Office xx.x Library"

Dim f as office.FileDialog
Dim Dateiname as string
Set f = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)
if f.selectedItems.count > 0 then

ID: FileD08916

Datenbank_Access FileSystemObject: access to data files (AC2000-2003). over this object, that can simply be bound in AC, simply gets you access to the data files: tables finishes reading, data files find, etc....
ID: FileS08613

Datenbank_Access Filters: BuildCriteria : benefits you the little known method, to compose automatically around filters,
ID: Filte03415

Datenbank_Access Filter criterion s and filter forms (from 7.0)
ID: Filte00729

Datenbank_Access Filter criterion for the form (AC97-2007) accentuates: the filtered field color-like marks applied filter" over the" with (= ApplyFilter. solution of the PC-MAGAZIN
ID: Filte08645

Datenbank_Access Filters after any fields (AC97-2 002): a search and filter function for your forms, VBA-Code in the PC-MAGAZIN. the function searches the table lying to reason, and filters the form accordingly of the results.
ID: Filte03176

Datenbank_Access Find Databases Wizard of AADConsulting (AC 97 until 2003) data bank data files clearly lists. on MAGAZIN-CD table \ TOOLS\FDWIZARD
ID: Find006546

Datenbank_Access More flexible combo box: entr ies like < all > and < none > with union query hinzufügen.Weitere explanation in the notebook.
ID: Flexi00291

Datenbank_Access Form" light"
ID: Formu00707

Datenbank_Access Form many times opens
ID: Ein0F00645

Datenbank_Access Form and report modules in the network (7.0, 8.0)
ID: Formu00668

Datenbank_Access Form alterations (OldValue) test: over this quality determines her/it/them, whether alterations were performed in a field.
Little one procedure for the PC-MAGAZIN, that goes through all control elements, and which values were altered already in an ungespeicherten data record shows per MsgBox.
ID: Formu06540

Datenbank_Access Form references to c riterion in across table queryings
ID: Formu00613

Datenbank_Access Form code from module or macros executes: about one sub, to call from a module, first requires a Public Function in the class module, that they sub calls. example:
* * Code start * * Public Function MeinCode of Call MeinElement_Click End Function * * code end * * then produces you a function in the module on the other hand, that calls the first function,: * * code start * * Function MeinCode2 Call Form_MeineForm.
MeinCode End Function * * code end * * this function has started itself also from a macros.
ID: Formu07800

Datenbank_Access Form design alt ers
ID: Formu00678

Datenbank_Access Form design for pros (AC from 9 7). API-Funktionen to shaping from form (round corners) use window menu strip fades out, etc....)
ID: Formu05691

Datenbank_Access Formulardesign:Tastaturunterstützung (from 7.0) optimize
ID: Formu00726

Datenbank_Access Form design: information from previous data record ( from 2.0) would take on
ID: Formu00727

Datenbank_Access Forms automatically close
ID: Formu00599

Datenbank_Access Forms automatically (from Access 2.0) close:, to release about the current data record in a multiuser surroundings, the data record must be changed, or the form is closed. if an user forgets to close the form, the current data record remains blocked. solu
ID: Formu01356

Datenbank_Access Forms with special effect: (AC 97-2003). stunning effects for professional data base applications:--application windows completely hides--forms with animation effect opens--widens effectively forms or reduces
ID: Formu03860

Datenbank_Access Forms faster (AC97-2003) load. so forms immediately are your user available. * load time for forms transfers * forms for double-click immediately shows * the start of the data bank, to automate largely.
Ready solution of the PC-MAGAZIN and CD
ID: Formu06589

Datenbank_Access Forms and full picture: if form doesn't become indicated with clasps of a report on full picture (maximize), one must put on" thinly" in the design of the borders of" none."
ID: Formu00283

Datenbank_Access Forms, register cards (AC2003-2007) optimize: representation problems with little expenditure remedies.
ID: Formu08678

Datenbank_Access Forms, register cards (AC2000-2007): the best tips for the usage of register cards
ID: Formu08683

Datenbank_Access Forms: active form automatically accentuates (focus). fast overview with opened forms through colors, that events' in this 'sub Form_activate(),' and 'sub Form_Deactivate()' is declared.
ID: Formu05782

Datenbank_Access Forms: wor king with sub form, page turnings, register-fixes
ID: Formu00517

Datenbank_Access Forms: Benutzerdefinierte qualities (AC97-2003). you use user-defined qualities to ease about the work with form, FOR EXAMPLE forms synchronizes. * Property Get and Property Let
ID: Formu07723

Datenbank_Access Forms:. Print suppress
CommandBars("menu bar").Controls("File").Controls("Print...").Enabled = False
CommandBars("menu bar").Controls("File").Controls("Seitenansicht").Enabled = False

ID: Formu08854

Datenbank_Access Forms: can a form at most 801 control elements in Access 2000 borders and contains into Access 2002 and 2003 895 control elements.
ID: Formu08660

Datenbank_Access Forms: timers optimally uses (AC97-2003). new functions and effects for your forms
ID: Formu07726

Datenbank_Access Forms: transparency (AC97-2003) pu ts in: if is used as operating system Win2000 or WinXP, objects can be represented transparently, you can then see the behind-half lying object FOR EXAMPLE desktop or other applications. the solution uses the API-Funktion
ID: Formu03918

Datenbank_Access Form presentation s (from 7.0) produce
ID: Formu00733

Datenbank_Access Advance indication of the form foot (AC from 97): co little expenditure a status-bar indicator for calculations adds adds. the corresponding procedure can be called in loops:
* * Code start * * ProgBar(<aktuell>,<Anzahl >, * * code end * * completely solution of the MAGAZIN-CD
ID: Forts06571

Datenbank_Access Question toolbar (AC2002) fade s out: benefits you an undocumented Registryeintrag, about the toolbar" question here, to fade out, inputs". following section localizes:' HKey_Current_User\Software\Microsoft\Office\10.0\Common\Toolbars\Settings' Neue DWORD
ID: Frage03165

Datenbank_Access Fritz fax journal in Access uses: (AC97-2003). co this solution can appraise you at will the Fritz fax journal in Access.
ID: Fritz06587

Datenbank_Access Front and backend data banks (AC 97) 2000, 2002,: efficient data banks through intelligent division:--pre and disadvantages--you apportion your data bank so--the assistant--SQL-Server as bake--peculiarities
ID: Front02802

Datenbank_Access Front-End/Back-End-Lösungen (AC2000,2002) accel erate important tips to the acceleration of your data bank.--sub data sheet name on [no one] alters, of course only if this is not the case,--table of the backend data bank very shortly holds, therefore if po
ID: Front03153

Datenbank_Access Front-end data banks automatically updates: (AC97 -2003) automatic solution to the distributing of your front-end data bank.
--alterations as well as new objects of front-end data banks automatically figurative
--ready solution of the PC-MAGAZIN
ID: Front03861

Datenbank_Access Function hands over the path of a data bank, for example, in order to distinguish copies and network version between local,: set db=DBEngine.workspaces(0. Databases(0, Pfad=db.Name,
ID: Funkt00287

Datenbank_Access Function Eval in the practice usage: (AC2000-2007) calculations in forms: calculates you field content help of this function without pocket calculators or builds a small" fast computer" in forms one.
ID: Funkt08696

Datenbank_Access Function Eval (, : general info
ID: Die0F00660

Datenbank_Access Function Eval: this function enables the input box the use in queryings under MSAccess97 (bug in Acc97): Eval (" input box ("" text"","" input"",")
ID: Eval000280

Datenbank_Access Function split (AC2000,2002) newcomer VBA-Funktion to the analyzes and dismantles from character strings. examples of the PC-MAGAZIN
ID: Funkt03143

Datenbank_Access Function split(), application example: Doku=Split(Me![Dokument]," #", 2 (Application.FollowHyperlink Doku(1) "True see also Access-Berater 07/09 side Q730TT
ID: Funkt08658

Datenbank_Access Function VAL (,
ID: Die0F00580

Datenbank_Access Function: calls of functions within aggregate functions
ID: Aufru00663

Datenbank_Access Function: domain: executes from domain functions (7.0)
ID: Ausf000662

Datenbank_Access Function: domain functions, general info,
ID: Die0F00659

Datenbank_Access Functions of the Back-End-DB in the front-end (AC97 -2002) use. the solution consists of it, a reference on them/her/it backend to placed.
ID: Funkt03267

Datenbank_Access Functions User ((and CurrentUser () (2.0)
ID: Die0F00661

Datenbank_Access Functions, that are called by events or expressions,
ID: Funkt00686

Datenbank_Access Secretly: hidden functions (AC97): di dn't document functions for Access-Entwickler:--comfortable access to the Registry--arrays with one single command automatically sorts--file and path statements comfortably processes
ID: Gehei02425

Datenbank_Access Cleared tables (from Access97) rescue: this finally cleared table, works only with tables, can be rescued provided that this modules < modTabellenRetten >, on CD, already in the data bank is installed.--modules can be sent on inquiry about Webmaster cparm
ID: Gel0s02083

Datenbank_Access Common benefits of modules of the netwo rk
ID: Gemei00667

Datenbank_Access Geodaten administer and appraise (AC97-2007). route planning and vicinity search in Access with a free OpenSource-Datenbank.
ID: Geoda08720

Datenbank_Access Saved procedures for SQL-Server (AC2000- 2003): from AC2000 can be realized also saved procedures without SQL-Server: with ADOX, into quite normal MDB-Datenbanken., FOR EXAMPLE for test purposes,
ID: Gespe05634

Datenbank_Access Google-Suche directly from Access (AC2000-2007): so integrates you into your data bank a browser window menu.
ID: Googl08646

Datenbank_Access Graphics flexibly administer and print ( AC97-2002): avoids you memory problem through a smart technology to the dynamic binding and printing of graphics. see also D030
ID: Grafi03181

Datenbank_Access Size of the data bank determine s
ID: Gr00e00689

Datenbank_Access Size of a file from Access determines :
Function test()
Dim Größe1
Größe1 = FileLen("c:\TestFile.txt") ' gives the size in Bytes.
MsgBox Größe1
End Function

ID: Größe06016

Datenbank_Access Groupings in reports (Acces s from 2.0): bases, available fields, grouping furnishes, page turnings control, calculations for groups execute, surveys at the Berichtsende show.
ID: Grupp02029

Datenbank_Access Groupings after quarter and calendar week: li ttle known is reports this after quarter or of KWs of groups can become. these criterions are in the dialogue" of sorting and grouping", in the drop-down field" of grouping after"
ID: Grupp02717

Datenbank_Access Help (Kontextsensitive-) in forms (AC from 2002) Make it easy for users to database usage. Reconstituted solution in the journal.
ID: Hilfe08857

Datenbank_Access HTML-Help for your database (AC from 2000). universe tips and tools for a professional on-line help. use of HilfekontextIDs use of the' HTML Help Workshop' of Microsoft
ID: HTML006327

Datenbank_Access Hyper links on Office documents (from AC97): Speichersparende solution to the Einbindung of external data files into your data banks. use from * * code start * * RunCommand acCmdInsertHyperlink * * code end * *
ID: Hyper06545

Datenbank_Access Hyper links from memo fields (AC97-200 3) open: so supplements you about the lacking hyper link function memo fields. the procedure calls start' orders him/it DOS over a Shell-Anweisung on.
ID: Hyper03915

Datenbank_Access Hyper links in queryings and reports use, printout: URLText: wenn(istNull([URL,";. /".; wenn(Hyperlinkpart([URL];1, =""; Hyperlinkpart([URL];0,; Hyperlinkpart([URL];1,) see Tipps&Tricks H900
ID: Hyper01485

Datenbank_Access Image cunning control el ement, AC97 u. 2000,: gives you to your applications a professional appearance. the little known image cunning control element is an important expansion for Access. you use it, about tree representations (Treeview) or formatted lis
ID: Image02450

Datenbank_Access Import of DOS data file s (AC from 97): attitude": West European (DOS)". further references in the PC-MAGAZIN
ID: Impor05683

Datenbank_Access Import of text data files: umlauts:, to read correctly about German umlauts, Unicode (UTF-8) must with language"" is put in.
ID: Impor07711

Datenbank_Access Import/export perfectly in the grip (AC from 97). tips and tricks around the data exchange with other applications. * import/export specifications optimally uses * import/export automates
ID: Impor06328

Datenbank_Access Imported data with the given data inventory balances
ID: Impor00600

Datenbank_Access Table of contents Praxishandbuch Access July 2003 s teward KAP_02 == == == == == == = table 2-6-3: Datenmodellierung steward KAP_03 == == == == == == = table 3-2-1: Access internet assistant of Microsoft table 3-2-2: Visual Basic Help tools table 3-2-3: Vi
ID: Inhal03466

Datenbank_Access Internet Explorer per VBA (AC2000-2003) steers: comfortable data takeover directly from the browser. * browsers in form integrates * marked texts in the data bank takes on.
ID: Inter07724

Datenbank_Access Internet: Access and frontal Fr ontpage (AC2000): your access-database step by step with help of Frontpage into the internet brings.--these components needs you.--step 1: in new frontal page Web as example basis.--step 2: so binds you a data bank.--step 3:
ID: Inter02458

Datenbank_Access Internet: data banks processes: c are of Access 2000-data banks fast and comfortably over the internet with Access 2000 and frontal page 2000:--frontal page and Access optimally in the interplay uses.--Access-DB to the treatment over the internet to the di
ID: Inter02426

Datenbank_Access Internet-Explorer-Infos per VBA (AC 2000-2003) finish reading. URL and titles of the web page in Access-Tabelle take over. code example of the PC-MAGAZIN.
ID: Inter07708

Datenbank_Access Internet links comfortably administer : data bank example and bases of producing of a data bank to the administering internet links and contents of web sites.
ID: Inter03950

Datenbank_Access Internet access with Access 97/2000, the optimal adjournment help for Internet/Intranet-Pläne. topics:, deciding of the target group, the ideal Access-Umgebung, static HTML-Dateien, so he/it does internet Database Connector (IDC/HTX-Dateien), Active serve
ID: Inter01487

Datenbank_Access Intranet-Publishing with Access 97: , free Intranetserver v. Microsoft furnishes, complete Intranet for company builds, Access-Infos dynamically on HTLM-Dateien to the disposal, price lists, puts addresses, telephone lists of browsers in the Intranet acces
ID: Intra00793

Datenbank_Access ISAM-Fehlermeldung if there are error message (lacking ISAM-Filter or drivers) after the conversion of an AC97 in AC2002, often is missing only one Registry-Eintrag:' HKey_Local_Machine\Software\Microsoft\Jet\4.0\ISAM of format' positions you a steward' J
ID: ISAM003145

Datenbank_Access ISAM-Fehlermeldung run time mistakes 3170 - Installierbares ISAM found not: first once: ISAM gets along something so much in German for Indexed Sequential Access Method is called like index-sequential access.
This is a method in an extensive data bank to the faster access to a data record. if cannot be grabbed on this method, the above run time mistake is caused.
In all the rule, the corresponding ODBC-Treiber are missing on the target computer for the data bank.
Nothing else therefore remains for you, than to determine, which drivers are required, is differently this according to type of the data bank and after access mode, and, to after-install these.
Another possibility still would be that you have yourself vertippt with the assignment of the Connect-Eigenschaft plain and simple. then, also this error message can appear conceivably.
ID: ISAM006044

Datenbank_Access Jet-Engine: Tuning for each data bank: (AC from 97): you can put in individual Tuningwerte for each data bank in the Registry. there are 2 possibilities to use these to it in principle:--per user profile: with it becomes the data bank as well as
Access over command line parameters' / profiles' is started.--per VBA: with it is written dynamically the values in the Registry from the data bank. additionally there are an ADO and DAO variation. see also contribution J200
ID: Jet0e05868

Datenbank_Access Calendars themselves mad e for Access from version 97: substitute for the calendar control element, the advantages of the Access-Berater-Kalenders, into own projects, control, binds individual requests.
ID: Kalen02087

Datenbank_Access Calendar control elemen t (Access 97-2000): different usage possibilities (Datums-Eingabe) agenda,...) see also contribution D830: drop-down calendars in forms started, step by step, the VBA-Code for the calendar control, advanced technologies
ID: Kalen01351

Datenbank_Access No valid licence for Access (from 7.0)
ID: Keine00721

Datenbank_Access Kennwortgeschützte data bank per SQL (AC2000-2007) interrogates: access to external data banks this with call word protected is. instruction in the PC-MAGAZIN
ID: Kennw08697

Datenbank_Access Kill: alternative (AC97-2003). as you know cleared data files are not set aside in the waste paper basket with kill. in the PC-MAGAZIN alternative for kill, API-Funktion uses. co this solution lands the data files in the waste paper basket.
ID: Kill007706

Datenbank_Access Classes produce and use, Access 97 u. 2000,: events" Initialize" and" Terminate", methods and private functions defines, qualities produce, events define.
ID: Klass01326

Datenbank_Access School libraries universally (AC97-200 2) use. co this undocumented trick can be deposit you even more effectively school libraries they in a MDA or MDE-Bibiothek-Datenbank uses: exports you into a text file the class module, you alter the entry' attribute
ID: Klass03261

Datenbank_Access Combo boxes automat ically open
ID: Kombi00657

Datenbank_Access Combo boxes: basis, AC97 u. 20 00, comfortable data acquisition of mouse click:
--something is combo box one
--usage areas for combo boxes
--important qualities of a combo box
--special case: value list--indicated and tied columns
ID: Kombi02438

Datenbank_Access Combo boxes with sorting (AC97,200 0,2002): optimizes you the data acquisition, in that you frequently put required entries from the beginning (SQL):

SELECT [artikelnr], [artikelname] FROM artikel ORDER BY [artikelnr]=12, [artikelnr]=17, [artikelnr]=98, [artikelname]

ID: Kombi02559

Datenbank_Access Combo boxes fast and comfortably, from AC97. * per SQL of joined combo boxes * over option groups restricts * drawing selection of button steers * any search and Sortierkriterien for your combo boxes.
ID: Kombi07767

Datenbank_Access Combo boxes automatically open AC97-2003. use of the method' drop-down'
ID: Kombi08609

Datenbank_Access Combo boxes: tips (AC97-2007): so optimizes you your combo boxes
ID: Kombi08710

Datenbank_Access Comfortable data record drawing selection with list boxes
ID: Komfo00717

Datenbank_Access Comfortable data import
ID: Komfo00638

Datenbank_Access Commentary managers for data banks (AC from 97): complete solution for the documentation of the data bank. in a form, a commentary can be handed over for each object.
ID: Komme05869

Datenbank_Access , To compress, with the data bank start (AC97-2003): complete solution to compressing the data bank when starting, including advance indication.
ID: Kompr05219

Datenbank_Access Compression of data bank automates:, AC 97, 2000, 2002, the data bank K600TT.MDB, D:\Tipps\k600tt\AcceesVersion \...) offers a ready solution. here all data banks with names and path are listed. a wide field comprises the time at her/it the data bank shou
ID: Kompr02718

Datenbank_Access Consolidation, grouping of values, working with SQL, VBA-Funktionen use v. accumulation in queryings, aggregation.
ID: Konso00773

Datenbank_Access Check boxes simply administer: (AC97/2003). * bases * check boxes bit-by-bit codiere * statuses over the bit array interrogates
ID: Kontr06409

Datenbank_Access Conversion AC97 to AC2000: to activatearound a locked data bank or to be converted must join you itself the team information file (usually system.mdw), over the program Workgroup administrator: usually under C:\Programme\Microsoft Office\Office\1031\WRKGADM.EXE. the manufacturer recommends to be converted the team file into the Access 2000 format.
tip: Mostly to another owner can be assigned all objects if you possess the corresponding right, but the data bank itself not.
In this case, you produce a new data bank in the format AC97, and import all objects to converted data bank from her/it. they try the conversion again afterwards.
ID: Konve05962

Datenbank_Access Conversion AC97 to AC2000: Microsoft Access 2000 doesn't support the DAO 2.5/3.x-Kompatibilitätsbibliothek. of case's her/its/their VBA-Code DAO uses, you get an error message relating to this. you direct a reference toward the DAO-Bibliothek V. in 3.51 one and adjusts you her/its/their VBA-Code. Access 2000 offers new libraries (for example ADO) with new procedures in addition.
ID: Konve05963

Datenbank_Access Conversion AC97 to AC2000: you can store an Access 2000 data bank also in the Access 97 format. case's you VBA-Code uses, must fix you on the DAO 3.51 a reference in Access 97 then and often must adjust her/its/their code.
ID: Konve05964

Datenbank_Access Access 2000 conversion: tips and problem solutions for the changeover of data banks on Access 2000:
--1 before you convert a data bank...
--2 important preparations for the predecessor version
--3 compact data bank through compression
ID: Acces01357

Datenbank_Access Correct number of data records determ ines
ID: Korre00679

Datenbank_Access Cross tables - the perfect analysis tool (AC from 97). tips and tricks around the cross table queries.
ID: Kreuz06331

Datenbank_Access Kreuztanellenabfragen as report basis (from 7.0)
ID: Kreuz00715

Datenbank_Access Kriteriensets store and load (AC97 ,2000,2002): the brilliant solution for fast and comfortable interpretations.--the ready solution of the CD--universal usability for your data banks--step by step: Kriteriensets in your data bank stores.--peculiarities--f
ID: Krite03091

Datenbank_Access Skillfully shaped texts
ID: Kunst00647

Datenbank_Access Country-specific system attitudes finish reading: th is enables application on different estate positions (FOR EXAMPLE formatting from monetary fields) name fields of the Parametrisieren Ihrer several languages in the, etc....)
ID: L0nde03943

Datenbank_Access Drive name "Volume Label" (AC from 97) finishes reading. solution of API.
ID: Laufw06324

Datenbank_Access Like-Operator (AC97-2002) decodes : parameter queryings, difference with ADO, optimizes
ID: Like003907

Datenbank_Access Lists and combo boxes (AC2002-2003) fill: w ith a little known new quality can be filled more efficiently lists. backed ADO and DAO. here a reference on" Microsoft ActiveX Data is Objects necessary in 2.0."
ID: Liste03917

Datenbank_Access List boxes with Datei/Verzeichnisse (AC 97-2002) fill: list boxes and combo boxes with drive letters, tables and file lists fills. ready solution for the PC-MAGAZIN as well as on the CD
ID: Liste03908

Datenbank_Access List boxes with multiple drawing selection (AC97-2007). you use this little known quality: * multiple drawing selection uses * marks entries per VBA and appraises
ID: Liste08721

Datenbank_Access List boxes: multiple drawing s election (AC97,2000,2002): leaves you the user mark immediately several list entries:--the function manner of the quality' multiple drawing selection'--multiple drawing selection of VBA places--usage in multiple-column lists
ID: Liste02564

Datenbank_Access List boxes: multiple drawing s election (AC2000,2002): so converts you in criterions for a query the multiple drawing selection from a list box. the criterions are composed in VBA. code for the PC-MAGAZIN
ID: Liste03081

Datenbank_Access ListView in the practice (AC97-2003). clear lists for forms: bases and examples.
ID: ListV08641

Datenbank_Access Log-in names within the network decide. used API-Funktionen (Listing in the PC-MAGAZIN) see also Access-Berater TT-N200 and TT-N220: network name for resources determines, per API-Funktion (AC97,2000,2002)
ID: LogIn00289

Datenbank_Access Lösch-Manager for your data banks (AC2000-2007): finally can become superfluous objects with little expenditure off. also several simultaneously. additionally interesting programming technique with the contact of register cards.
ID: Lösch08652

Datenbank_Access Macros prints out and stores: t he print-out of macroses in Access 97 is trouble-free, menu file, side view,...). one can also store, however, these statements. to it of the side view into the menu file, storage under. here a table" will position object de
ID: Makro02109

Datenbank_Access Macros in a second DB st arts, DB2 open-macros startenDB2 again closes, < tt > < BR>Dim app ace Access.Application < BR>Dim varResult ace of Variant' if function has return value < BR>Set app = GetObject(VerzeichnisUndDatenbankname.
MDB)<BR>´mit help of the run method can be called an any Prozedur/Funktion. on this occasion it is to be possibly handed over until 30 arguments < BR>varResult = app.Run" FunktionInrDatenbank2"<BR>app.Quit < BR>Set app = Nothing < / tt >
ID: Makro07838

Datenbank_Access Macros: objects for drag&drop into the macro editor (from AC97) takes on. if you pull an object into the macro editor out of the data bank window menu, automatically following action is discontinued: * table: action ÖffnenTabelle * query:
Action open query * form; action ÖffnenFormular * report: action open report in the side view * macros: execute macros * module: action ÖffnenModul in the design view menu
ID: Makro07763

Datenbank_Access Macro design of VBA (AC97-2003) calls. co a small VBA procedure can be opened a macros in the design mode
ID: Makro08716

Datenbank_Access Macroses into Access 2007 important tips to the new role of macroses of Access 2007. security concept of AC2007
ID: Makro08653

Datenbank_Access Macroses in Access 2007: new functions as AC2007
ID: Makro08694

Datenbank_Access Macroses faster produce: Ac cess 2.0, 95, 97 and 2000 if you produce a macros, you can save a whole quantity of time, if you objects, for the set action should be executed, from the data bank window menu into the Makro-Entwurfsfenster pulls. Access positio
ID: Acces01710

Datenbank_Access MAP24 in Access (AC97-2003) start: * free Admin-Konto near MAP24 furnishes. * URL per VBA composes * already existing addresses from the data bank for route planners or map indication uses.
ID: MAP2407714

Datenbank_Access Mass letters send
ID: Masse00628

Datenbank_Access Mouse wheel in forms (AC 97-2003) suppr esses
ID: Mausr03916

Datenbank_Access MDB structure managers 200 0 of SmartTools Publishing, Access 2.0 - 97, Datenbank-Updates and version administrators, Änderungs-Script produces her/it an autom later. Update of the customer data banks, demo version of CD (Verz. TOOLS\DBSM2000), enables dem
ID: MDB0S01353

Datenbank_Access MDB, MDA or MDE determine: over Right(CurrentDB.Name,3, the type of the data bank can be determined so that the VBA-Code can react accordingly to it. in the PC-MAGAZIN, a small function GetDBType is introduced.
ID: MDB0006406

Datenbank_Access MD - data fil es (8.0)
ID: MDE0000693

Datenbank_Access Produces MD per VBA (AC from 97) * * code start * * Function MakeMDE (, Dim ObjAcc ace Access.Apllication set ObjAcc = CreateObject (" Access.Application", objAcc.SysCmd 603" C:\MeineDB.MDB"," C:\MeineDB.
MD" set of ObjAcc=nothing End Function * * code end * * alternative to SysCms 603 can be used also following instruction: * * code start * * ObjAcc.DoCmd.RunCommand of acCmdMakeMDEFile" C:\MeineDB.MDB"," C:\MeineDB.MDE"
ID: MDE0p07762

Datenbank_Access Multiuser Access databases: tips and tools (AC97-2003). the best tips, to avoid around defective data banks in the network.
ID: Mehrb07725

Datenbank_Access Several functions as reaction at an event of a c ontrol element with" +": for example = RecordSave (, + FormClose (,
ID: Meher00292

Datenbank_Access Multiple Rückgängigmachen of data reco rd alterations
ID: Mehrf00594

Datenbank_Access Polyglot users Oberflächen (Access all v ersions) produce, table with 1 lines per language and 1 fields per tables field produces, for example line 1: [SprachID] =1, [language] = German, [company] = company,..., line 2: [SprachID] = 2; [language] = English
ID: Mehrs01460

Datenbank_Access Mehrwersteuerumrechnung easily (from AC97) done. bases of the value added tax, 16 percent, 19 percent) in Germany. curve problems
ID: Mehrw07770

Datenbank_Access Polyvalent fields optimally use (AC2007): newcomer feature in AC2007: practically for beginners, but rather problematically for developers. bases and solutions
ID: Mehrw08628

Datenbank_Access Memo field: automatically at writing (AC97-2 002) jumps: inputs you into the event' when going' following code:
Sub Memofeldname_Enter()
With Me.Memofeldname
End With
End Sub

ID: Memof00673

Datenbank_Access Memo field: automatically at the text beginning (AC97-2002) jumps: inputs you into the event' when going' following code: * * code start * * sub Memofeldname_Enter (, With Me.Memofeldname. SelStart=0.
SelLength=0 End With End sub * * code end * *
ID: Memof06597

Datenbank_Access Memo field: cursor buttons in Memofeld (AC 97,2000,2002) holds: with it the memo field when operating the cursor buttons is not left, Key stands code' with the event procedure' with button over the parameter', cursor buttons = code 37 for 40, the performan
ID: Curso03087

Datenbank_Access Memo fields in AC2007 optimally uses (AC2007). formatted memo fields and further new functions.
ID: Memof07731

Datenbank_Access Memo fields after Excel (AC97-2007) export: according to put in Excel-Version for the export, the memo fields are cut off after 256 signs. only from Excel97, more signs can exist in a field.
Therefore heeds version with the export from Access. current versions of Excel can pick up 32.000 signs of cell.
ID: Memof08667

Datenbank_Access Memo fields: the content of memo fields exports
ID: Den0I00688

Datenbank_Access Memo fields: ESC-Taste suppresses (AC97-2002). Add following procedure in the event:
If Keycode= 27 Then
End If

ID: Memof06025

Datenbank_Access Memo fields: error message" text too long": if this error message comes, the content can process no more or marks or cleared becomes. 65.000 signs can contain at most about memo field. co a drawing selection query or SQL: SELECT....
) comes you at the content:, to be well received directly instead of the field, they use in the query * * code start * * Left([Feldname];70000, * * code end * *.
Execute the drawing selection query, you copy the content into a text file, there can shorten you the text or can apportion. pre it replaces you this text with ZERO over an updating query too long.
You can copy the shortened text again after it into the memo field.
ID: Memof07750

Datenbank_Access Memo fields: Formatierbare fields in AC2007: reference: the formatting takes place by means of HTML despite RTF-Einstellung.
ID: Memof08715

Datenbank_Access Memo fields: hyper links from memo fields (AC97-2007). into memo fields gotten hyper links as well as internet addresses directly over Access starts
ID: Memeo08707

Datenbank_Access Memo fields: empty lines out deletes (AC2000-2003): a ready solution for the trouble-free data transfer. with transfer in other applications, an error message comes if empty lines exist into memo fields
ID: Memof08633

Datenbank_Access Memo fields: text modules in memo fields for Access 2.0 until 97: completely solution with car text function, drawing selection form, drawing selection of double-click, abbreviations replace, text modules administer see also M380 and Erratum in NT02 Juli2
ID: Textb02091

Datenbank_Access Memo fields: zoom form (AC from 97). Access offers possibilities in order to represent fields (text, memo) in a zoom window menu. the word wrap only is in this zoom window menu unfortunately with [Strg][Enter], to execute, (... disturbingly for users this
ID: Memof05687

Datenbank_Access Menu forms with special effect (AC97-20 02) co these tricks can pep up you boring menu forms:--HOver-Effekt--LED graphics--ETC....
ID: Men0003423

Datenbank_Access Menu bars (Access 97, 2000) user-de fines, respect: is administered menu and toolbars since Access 97 as" command strips" and is represented according to quality as menu bar or toolbar, topics: menu and toolbar produces, adjusts, differences between fading
ID: Men0l01456

Datenbank_Access Menu bars for user groups (from 7.0)
ID: Men0l00730

Datenbank_Access Menu bars: undesirable functions (AC97-2003) deactivates: markspersons you your data bank through the aimed turning off certain menu points:
* Menu points aimed turns off * complete menus restores * comfortable configuration per function call * touch-tone combinations closes
ID: Menül06592

Datenbank_Access Menu macroses in the practice usa ge: produces you a comfortable menu structure for your data bank
ID: Mn0ma02723

Datenbank_Access Menus in Access 2007 individual menu collocations of Access 2007
ID: Menüs07764

Datenbank_Access Menu control of Access 2007: classic menu control for Access 2007. accustomed functions faster finds.
ID: Menpü08734

Datenbank_Access Metadaten from JPEG-Dateien (AC from 2000) finish reading. EXIF-Daten per VBA finish reading, solution manufactures in the PC-MAGAZIN
ID: Metad06548

Datenbank_Access Min (, Max (, these functions as comparing from value exist in many programming languages, however not in VBA. even built functions as the PC-MAGAZIN, in order to compare 2 values.
ID: Min()07718

Datenbank_Access MP3-Player in Access (AC97-2002) produce you directly your own MP3-Player in Access:--ready example data bank uses--Windows-Mediaplayer in forms binds--tips to the Mediaplayer
ID: MP30P03271

Datenbank_Access M'S graph: diagrams with MS-Graph (Access f rom 2.0) produces: Microsoft graph 5.0 and 8.0 the borders diagrams for forms and reports later formats, dynamic diagrams of connection, further possibilities of VBA-Programmierung,
ID: Diagr02027

Datenbank_Access M'S graph: diagrams of VBA builds: it gives a little known auxiliary file with example, that is to be found on the Office 97-CD,: VBAGRP8.HLP. this auxiliary file very clearly delivers all objects, methods and qualities. Download also directly with Micros
ID: MS0Gr05216

Datenbank_Access M'S graph: wrong error message i n M'S graph
ID: Falsc00708

Datenbank_Access MsgBox with formatting (AC97, 200 0) spend: under Access 97 possibly is it, the edition in a communication field through the usage the' @' - Zeichens, to format. so the following instruction represents the text dreizeilig, the first line with what fat and
ID: MsgBo02456

Datenbank_Access Model texts perfectly administ er: realization of the" Office automation" as complete solution, Access 97 u. 2000,: administers of Access-Adressen and model letters and transfers per mouse click into a Word document
ID: Muste01361

Datenbank_Access News in the network sends (AC97-2002). the solution bases on the API-Funktion' NetMessageBufferSend()'
ID: Nachr06023

Datenbank_Access News system for your data bank (AC from 97). complete solution for Backend/Frontend-Datenbanken. the solution enables the dispatch and receiving of news at all or individual users. see also contribution N100 (= predecessor version,
ID: Nachr05872

Datenbank_Access Navigation area secures and restores: (AC2007). important attitudes fast stores over * * code start * * Application.ExportNavigationPane" PfadUndDateiname.xml" * * code end * * see also Q743
ID: Navig08728

Datenbank_Access AC 2007: new database format in Access The new file extension .accdb rather than .mdb, .mde .accde instead, .accda instead .mda and .accdb instead .ldb.
There are at least three new extensions: .accdt characterizes Access Templates (Templates )
ID: Neues08797

Datenbank_Access NoData: if no data exist, one can break off opening of a report, (Access 95), hereby 97, 2000. with form, this fashionable solution is not possible. instead RecordsetClone" and" RecordCount" can be used in the event of FormOpen, a reference is passed out
ID: NoDat01328

Datenbank_Access Novell-Server for Access configure at the Co nsole or over RConsole, following instructions input: set maximum records locks per connection = 10000 sets maximum records locks = 200000
ID: Novel03273

Datenbank_Access NumLock-Taste per VBA switch, A ccess 97 u. 2000,: VBA-Module as well as function to the from - as well as switches on the NumLockTaste, for example for individual fields in forms
ID: NumLo02003

Datenbank_Access ObjectMover objects comfortably between data banks exchanges. development of the" Access advisor"
ID: Objec06411

Datenbank_Access Objects in other data banks per VBA (AC97-2002) del ete. examples of the PC-MAGAZIN

Function DelObject(strDB As String, strObjName As String, IntObjTyp As Integer)
Dim ObjAcc As Access.Application
Set ObjAcc = New Access.Application
ObjAcc.OpenCurrentDatabase strDB
ObjAcc.DoCmd.DeleteObject IntObjTyp, strObjName
Set ObjAcc = Nothing
End Function

ID: Objek03903

Datenbank_Access Objects per Drag & Drop (AC97,2000,2002) import: little known solution to importing of object from a data bank to the other: opens you both data banks and changes you into the data bank window menu in each case. now, objects (tables) can queryings, forms,
ID: Objek03154

Datenbank_Access Objects of data banks as text file pass on (AC from 97): co undocumented functions simplifies the passing on from object. these instructions can in the direct window or test window entered becomes:
-- export:
SaveAsText acForm, "Kunden", "Z:\test\Kunden_Form.txt"
-- Import:
LoadFromText acForm, "Kunden", "Z:\test\Kunden_Form.txt"
ID: Objek05783

Datenbank_Access Object commentaries in VBA (AC from 97) finish reading: fast access to additional object information, that is inputed in the data bank window menu. 1, 2, object information about CurrentDB, produce reference on DAO-Bibliothek.
Container and GetDescr (acTable)" table name", interrogates. ready example of the PC-MAGAZIN.
ID: Objek06541

Datenbank_Access Object names automatically (new f unction of Access 2000) adjust: the name alteration of a table field is adjusted automatically reports forms, queryings, in him/it. respect: VBA-Code and macroses must be altered manually. better: the Add-in" Speed Ferret"
ID: Objek01362

Datenbank_Access ODBC with Oracle-Tabels into Access, DAO

Function OracleConnect_Einzel(TbI2g As String, TbOracle As String)
Dim ws As Workspace
Dim db As Database
Dim I2GDB As Database
Dim LConnect As String
Dim Tdf As TableDef
On Error GoTo Err_OracleConnect_Einzel
Call gdb_bittewarten("OracleConnect, Tabelle löschen", TbI2g)
Set I2GDB = CurrentDb
'Zuerst Tabelle/Verknüpfung löschen
I2GDB.TableDefs.Delete TbI2g
'Tabelle neu einbinden mit ODBC for Oracle connection
LConnect = "ODBC;DSN=Bezeichnung;UID=Benutzer;PWD=pw123;SERVER=Servername"
Set Tdf = I2GDB.CreateTableDef(TbI2g) 'Name Tabelle in Ziel
Tdf.Attributes = dbAttachSavePWD 'Passwort übergeben
Tdf.Connect = LConnect
Tdf.SourceTableName = TbOracle 'Name Tabelle in Oracle
I2GDB.TableDefs.Append Tdf
Set I2GDB = Nothing
Exit Function

ID: ODBC008851

Datenbank_Access ODBC-Dialog: show the dialog per mouse click (AC97-2003). Benefits a Windows library for new Access-Funktionen:
Shell Controls and automation after placing of the reference on this library, you can per
Dim a as new Shell
a.controlPanelItem = "odbccp32.cpl"
Set a = nothing

show the dialogue.
ID: ODBC008634

Datenbank_Access ODBC connections: Debugging (AC up to 97): Fast problem search error message in detail. Examples of error routines.
ID: ODBC008811

Datenbank_Access Office automation with Word fails? (AC 97,2000,2002): accesses to automation fails if outlook runs parallel to it or if Word is put in as an e-mail editor for outlook. to handle about the problem, outlook must be finished before the start of the data bank.
ID: Offic03088

Datenbank_Access Office-Assistent deactivate, A C97 u. 2000,: with a trick can aim the Office-Assitenten only in Access or also for certain forms you turns off:

Private Sub Form_Load()
With Assistant
.visible = False
.AssistWithAlerts = False
.AssistWithHelp = False
.AssistWithWizards = False
End With
End Sub

ID: Offic02436

Datenbank_Access Office-Assistent in forms use, AC97 u. 2002,: topics:--worth knowing over the assistant--usage prepares--ready procedures for the comfortable control see also' Access-Assistenten per VBA calls': A170
ID: Offic03170

Datenbank_Access OLE-Class: class names of picture object finds in the help files of the picture applications one according to Access-Hilfe. It however more simply is the name to be gotten from the Registry: keys' HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT'. here some names of example:--" jpegfil
ID: OLE0C01999

Datenbank_Access OLE fields comfortably (AC 97-2003) update: joined data files no more in great detail by hand alters.
ID: OLE0F08672

Datenbank_Access On X Gosub as alternative too complicated IfThenElse-loops:

On me.Versand.value Gosub Post, UPS, DPD
VersandKosten=Versandkosten + 3
VersandKosten=Versandkosten + 5.25

Further examples in the magazine.
ID: On0X003944

Datenbank_Access Online help for your data bank (AC97- 2003): like you with forms, tables and some procedures a context help (on keystroke) produces
ID: Onlin05637

Datenbank_Access OpenArgs: form control with parameter (AC9 7) 2000, 2002,: flexible forms quite simply, tips to the contact with OpenArgs
ID: OpenA02795

Datenbank_Access Optimization of the new data bank
ID: Optim00618

Datenbank_Access Option, system objects (AC2007) show. with this Access-Version, the option is somewhat hidden:
* Office-Schaltfläche * options * area" current data bank" selects * right to the area navigation on" navigation options" clicks * indication options * system objects shows * OK
ID: Optio08677

Datenbank_Access Outlook data collection for Access (AC2007). data banks with email forms updates.
ID: Outlo08703

Datenbank_Access Outlook on Access-Formulare (from 2000) integrates:, the installation of outlook View Control, outlook View Control in a form integrates - any outlook stewards inserts
ID: Outlo03910

Datenbank_Access Outlook Calendar VBA (AC97-2003)
Public Function OL_Termin_Anlegen(Startzeit, Endezeit, Betreff As String, Ort As String, Text As String, Erinnerung As Integer)
'Format von Startzeit und Endezeit: 24.12.1996 8:30:00 AM ...ohne #, Startzeit = Format(Me![KalenderOL_DatStart], "") & " " & Format(Me![KalenderOL_ZeitStart], "hh:nn:ss AM/PM")
On Error GoTo Err_OL_Termin_Anlegen
Dim objApp As Object 'Outlook Applikation
Dim objItem As Object 'Termin Objekt
Dim intAnswer As Integer 'Antwort
Set objApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") 'Erzeugen einer einer Outlook-Instanze
Set objItem = objApp.CreateItem(olAppointmentItem) 'Erzeugen eines Termins
With objItem 'Mit Termin-Objekt
.Subject = Betreff 'Betreff definieren
.Location = Ort 'Ort definieren
.Start = Startzeit 'Startdatum zuweisen
.End = Endezeit 'Enddatum zuweisen
.Body = Text 'Weiteren Text zuweisen
.Categories = "IPMA_IM" 'Kategorie definieren
If Erinnerung > 0 Then
.ReminderMinutesBeforeStart = Erinnerung
.ReminderSet = True
.ReminderMinutesBeforeStart = 30
.ReminderSet = False
End If
.Save 'Termin speichern
intAnswer = MsgBox("Termin wurde eingetragen. Wollen Sie ihn anzeigen lassen?", 36)
If intAnswer = vbYes Then
.Display (True) 'Termin anzeigen
End If
End With
Set objItem = Nothing
Set objApp = Nothing
Exit Function

ID: Outlo08768

Datenbank_Access Outlook and Access: access to outlook 2000 data (Access 2000), e-mails produce connection on outlook data, utilization of the outlook data, from Access sends, Access and outlook: updating of the address data bank see PC-MAGAZIN 98/04 pages 73
ID: Acces00612

Datenbank_Access Outlook and Access: access to outlook data, AC 97 u. 2000, outlook dates process, perfect interplay between outlook and Access:--places you on the object module of outlook a reference.--practice example date administration.--outlook on VBA from Access out
ID: Outlo02440

Datenbank_Access Outlook: Archivierung of Outlook-Mails in Access. see also page NT06 April/Mai 2005, Erratum. see also O600TT to the topic' Pickfolder'
ID: Outlo05684

Datenbank_Access Outlook: enamel with appendix (AC97, 2000,2002) sends: uses you the outlook objects over the Office-Automation, you favor the outlook library a reference. then, you export the reports with: DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport," report name" acFormatRTF" C:\Beric
ID: Outlo03402

Datenbank_Access Outlook tasks directly from AC (AC2000-2003) administers: Perfektes interplay between Access and outlook
ID: Outlo08617

Datenbank_Access Outlook journal in Access (AC97-2003 ) appraises: co normal Office doesn't come automation you on all outlook data. is expounded like you with CDO-Bibliothek here on almost all data can grab, and also after outlook writes back.
ID: Outlo05638

Datenbank_Access Outlook contacts with Access (AC2000-2002) j oin:--pre and disadvantages--address administration
ID: Outlo03277

Datenbank_Access Outlook contacts with Access (AC97-2002) syn chronize: balances your address data bank outlook contact with this you. example like the Office-Automation can be put in. ready solution of MAGAZIN-CD
ID: Outlo03424

Datenbank_Access Outlook contacts with all fields (AC97-2003) import handling of the limitation with the Einbindung of the contact steward of outlook
ID: Outlo08610

Datenbank_Access Outlook news in Access archives: (AC from 97): automatic transfer of e-mails in a data bank. * outlook control of Office-Automation * ready solution of CD
ID: Outlo06549

Datenbank_Access Outlook telephone list (AC2000- 2002) produces. since Access 2000, outlook contact stewards can be used as joined tables in access-databases. is here to be noticed that all fields are not available through this MAPI-Schnittstelle, FOR EXAMPLE is missing bi
ID: Outlo03177

Datenbank_Access Outlook access (AC97,2000,2002 ) accelerates his/its quality' Hyperlink' with a button on Outlook:Kontakte' is put in, you show the contacts in outlook. also works with: Outlook:Aufgaben, Outlook:Kalender,
ID: Outlo03140

Datenbank_Access Breakdown help of program crash (AC97) 2000, 2002,: step by step, do you find out about the problem so:
--the symptoms of bugs
--of the mistakes reproducible?
--compressing and repairing of the data bank
--you install Programm-Updates
ID: Panne02805

Datenbank_Access Paper size v. reports, (A3), puts in A4, A5 c haracter... with API-Funktionen DevMode, PrtDevMode, from Access95.
ID: Papie00780

Datenbank_Access Parallel install Access97/2000 : never again problems with different Access-Versionen:--tips and info to the installation--problem: Access97 has started itself no more--you select the AC-Version so, that should be started,--you remedy data bank cannot be f
ID: Acces02454

Datenbank_Access Parallel install Access97/2000 : neither Access 97 nor Access 2000 is installed: if neither Access 97 nor Access 2000 are installed, you install Access 97 and afterwards Access 2000 at first. since both versions of Access are installed standard in the same
ID: Acces05564

Datenbank_Access Parallel install Access97/2000 : Access 97 already is installed: if Access 97 is installed already on the computer, and you would like to add Access 2000 adds, you proceed as follows: 1. you install Access 2000 or Office 2000. you select Benutzerdefinierte
ID: Acces05565

Datenbank_Access Parallel install Access97/2000 : Access 2000 already is installed: if Access 2000 is installed already on the computer, and you would like to add Access 97 adds, some additional steps are to be followed. if you try to install Access 97, you must can become
ID: Acces05566

Datenbank_Access Parallel installation of Access97/2000: Access 97 and other Access-Versionen simultaneously uses:
Prerequisite, that the user possesses administrator rights, is there with the change from FOR EXAMPLE Access 2000 after Access97 into the Registry must be written. the error message this with insufficient rights appears:
"Access 97 could not be initialized again
ID: Paral05972

Datenbank_Access Parallelinstallation of Access under VISTA Da Vistathat the programs write directly into the Registry prevents only one installation is active. if Office 2007 is installed Access2007 is active since this version can write into the Registry.
Helps here to be based a connection for every Access version (97 to 2003) on the corresponding MSACCESS.EXE and to execute these as an administrator with every change.
ID: Paral07809

Datenbank_Access Parallel installation of several Access versions under Vista; Vista necessitates Adminrechte to the alteration between the different Access-Version. the versions before AC2003 were not programmed for it, as well as
the enrollments in the Registry don't succeed. a MSACCESS.EXE of 2007 with the Registry-Einträge is started by it by 2003 conceivably, and leads to error message and crashes. to this an intervention in the Registry is necessary.
Alternatively, each MSACCESS with Adminrechte must be exported., connection to the EXES produces, and option" of an administrator executes" activates.
ID: Paral08689

Datenbank_Access Parallel operati on of different versions
ID: Paral00616

Datenbank_Access Parameters / decompil e: (AC97,2000,2002) with an undocumented parameter the data banks reorganizes, reduces and accelerates. you input following instruction to it on the MS-DOS Prompt: C:\AccessVerzeichnis\msaccess.exe C:\MeineDatenbank.mdb / decompile Od
ID: Param03139

Datenbank_Access Parameters to opening v. data banks: / Exc l, / Ro, / User < name >, / Pdw, / Wkgrp, / Nostartup, Startdial. suppresses, / x macros, / Cmd, / Runtime, / Convert < ZielDB >, / Compact < ZielDB >, / Repair... more info in the PC-MAGAZIN.
ID: Param00777

Datenbank_Access Password with Access 95/97 with entry xxx.MDB / pwd < call word > handles
ID: Passw00155

Datenbank_Access Passport word input per form Marksperson Sie the passport word input before curious gazes: some examples of the PC-MAGAZIN
ID: Passw03274

Datenbank_Access Password protection for individual forms (A ccess from 2.0): can be set aside the password to protect about individual forms, if the user rights are not activated, into a hidden table. tables this with' USys' begins system objects are and therefore hidden,
ID: Passw02025

Datenbank_Access PDF-Creator, reports per mouse click as PDF spend. the PDF-Creator owns an object model and one can steer per VBA.
ID: PDFCr08687

Datenbank_Access PDF-Creator: reports in PDF-Dokumente (AC97-2007) summarizes. increase comfort at the passing on of report
ID: PDF0C08691

Datenbank_Access PDF-Dateien directly from Access (AC97-2 002) produces. the solution consists of 2 tools: - Ghostscript a Postscript-Datei of the proportionate return into a solid Verzeichnis/Datei is installed as printers and is produced - MakePDF converts this file into
ID: PDF0D03911

Datenbank_Access PDF-Dokumente produce and send (AC2000-2007): produces fully automatically ready solution about reports and sends. the solution favors PDF-Creator or the PDF/XPS Add-In, and outlook on.
ID: PDF0D08673

Datenbank_Access PDF-Viewer in Access-Formulare (AC97-2002) enlarge you your data bank around a free PDF-Viewer. ready solution of MAGAZIN-CD in the table \ P200
ID: PDF0V03425

Datenbank_Access Pivoting with VSFlex 3.0 : the overview keeps
ID: Den0000598

Datenbank_Access Pivot-Tabellen (AC2002): benefits you Pivot-Tabellen for efficient data analysis:--something Pivot-Tabellen Neue brings--setup and goals of the example--beginnings you with a query--first steps of the Pivot-Tabelle--calculations--totals spends--individual
ID: Pivot03092

Datenbank_Access PLZ and places automatically (AC97,2000 ,2002) supplement: solution, to supplement automatically about places with input of the PLZ. the module works with a reference table and is self-learning. completely solution of MAGAZIN-CD
ID: PLZ0u03406

Datenbank_Access Popup menus quite simply even (AC97-2003) don e: complete solution to the fast producing popup menus at the mouse pointer or as drop-down lists with only few commands. ready functions as the MAGAZIN-CD
ID: Popup05222

Datenbank_Access Zip codes and place-names: rea dy solution to installing into own data bank: P670TT see also P500 and P501: zip codes and places of looking up: the complete solution for your data bank.
ID: Postl00788

Datenbank_Access Presentations with Access: coop eration with Power-Point in VBA-Code, only as well as from Access97
ID: Pr0se00779

Datenbank_Access Primary key: regulation (fro m 7.0)
ID: Besti00734

Datenbank_Access Program control with comfort (AC97-2003). class module with different functions, qualities and methods to the starting, taxes and overseeing, waits been finished as substitute for the Shell-Anweisung until the program, from external programs.
* Is based on API-Funktion * program implementation reliably oversees.
ID: Progr07173

Datenbank_Access Program control: ShellExecute over API-Funktion. with this solution, info are read automatically from the Regsitry at lacking search path. call and example for the PC-MAGAZIN
ID: Progr07710

Datenbank_Access Shell-Methode correctly use: (AC from 97): on occasion fails this method (opening of external programs as well as documents) without known reason., to prevent about such problems, quotation marks should be joined additionally. example:
Dim Prog ace string, Param ace string Prog = Chr$(34, &" C:\office 97\winword.exe" & Chr$(34, Param = Chr$(34, &" C:\Daten\MeinDokument.doc" & Chr$(34, Call Shell(Prog &"" & Param,
ID: Shell06542

Datenbank_Access Protocols for the network operation (from 7.0)
ID: Proto00732

Datenbank_Access Protocol functions with comfort (AC97-2007). at - and Abmeldezeiten, mistakes as well as implementation information reliably record. ready solution of the PC-MAGAZIN
ID: Proto08722

Datenbank_Access Percent without percent signs input
ID: Proze00646

Datenbank_Access Processor burden (AC97-2007) reduces. Access incriminates the CPU over 90 percent with VBA-Routinen even if it is not the active application. only when Access minimizes cast-off in the task strip is, the CPU utilization ratio reduces. solution:
A form with following event procedure becomes when opening of the data bank or at button pressure, opened: * * code start * * private sub Form_Timer (, DoEvents Sleep 100 final sub * * code end * * with it is put in the timer attitude on 100 m.
ID: Proze08717

Datenbank_Access Properly writing examination for text boxes o ver function DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSpelling at the usage in a form, fields can be excluded in that these are put on Enabled=False, FOR EXAMPLE: Me![HyperLink]. Enabled = False DoCmd.RunCommand of acCmdSpelling
ID: Recht00607

Datenbank_Access Recordsets optimally (AC97, 2 000) start: the most important tips and info to the contact with Recordsets:--peculiarities in the different Access-Versionen.--example 1: data of importing and per Recordset converts.--example 2: seeks data records and delete
ID: Recor02452

Datenbank_Access Register changes automate, AC97 u. 2000,: more comfort at the usage of register cards, here as example the automatic change to the nearest record, if the TAB-Taste is operated in the latter control element of the current register. no grip is necessary wit
ID: Regis02447

Datenbank_Access Registry: trustworthy storage places (AC2007) uses: benefits you the Registry to the fast configuration of Access 2007
ID: Regis08740

Datenbank_Access Registry-Tricks for Access (AC97 -2002): co these undocumented attitudes can optimize you Access even further. topics:--learning you the Registry-Editor knows--newcomers entries aims--convertibility dialogue suppresses--number of the Undo-Einträge adjusts-
ID: Regis03688

Datenbank_Access Regular of express ion for Access (A C97-2002): widens you gratuitously Access about efficient' Regular of express ion' for efficient validations and search functions. a reference on the library of the' Windows Script Host' suffices It. this can be played
ID: Regul03184

Datenbank_Access Smooth working with front-final, and bake, data banks, from 7. 0,
ID: Reibu00731

Datenbank_Access Replication: data banks for the distributed usage duplicates
ID: Repli00631

Datenbank_Access Replication: design masters again as normal DB (AC97-2003) uses: procedure, how a design master can be used again as normal data bank.
ID: Replo07166

Datenbank_Access Replication: new function as 7.0 = > Mandaten-Lösung with loco ale version
ID: Repli00181

Datenbank_Access Replication: sure data transfer (AC97-2003) : benefits you the indirect synchronization for a replication without mistakes: this solution is an alternative to the standard (= direct, synchronization., advantages, design masters with replication manager aim
ID: Repli03925

Datenbank_Access Replication: partial replication of data banks
ID: Teilr00637

Datenbank_Access Report: lists legibly shapes, in the shifts per line white unf light-gray background: 1. field in the report to it: name = txtLfdNr, control element content = 1, Lfde sum: over all, visibly: no 2. procedure for Detailbereich, when formatting to it: sub De
ID: Repor01458

Datenbank_Access Requery, Repaint and Refresh
ID: Regue00666

Datenbank_Access RTF - control elemen t
ID: Das0R00611

Datenbank_Access Declining function with security query (AC97-2002). i n this contribution is expounded reacted like Access on the ESC-Taste first, and it can be intercepted like this button. on the CD, a VBA-Lösung declares as an Undo-Funktion.
ID: R0ckg03262

Datenbank_Access Rounds: so rounds Access right
ID: So0ru00656

Datenbank_Access Curve problems in the grip (AC97-2003): a solution to the civil mercantile surroundings in Access., solution 1: Excel starts, solution 2: ready procedure for the PC-MAGAZIN
ID: Rundu03926

Datenbank_Access Runtime Access security attitude.. this attitude omits itself in the full version [extra macros security] puts in. for the Runtime, following Registry alteration helps. Ggf a reg file produce and execute:
< tt > < BR>Registry editor version 5.00 < BR>[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\11.0\Access\Security] < BR >" Level"=dword:00000001 < / tt><BR>Alternative following Patch installs: Windows2000 kb829558-x86-deu.
exes < BR><BR>Die is worth upper attitude only for Current_User. Systenweit's following 2 new keys to be done. < BR>für the security step: < tt > < BR>\\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Office\11. 0\Access\Security < BR>neuer keys: levels < BR>Wert:
#00000001 < / tt > < BR>für the SandboxMode: < tt > < BR>\\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Jet\4.0\En gines < BR>neuer keys: SandBoxMode < BR>Wert: #00000002 < / tt >
ID: Regis07837

Datenbank_Access Runt ime Access 97: question:
Is it safely possible to produce a data bank with a German Access-Version if she/it should run with an other-language-y Access afterwards? becomes determine, that inexplicable error message come at many places. solution:
The surest method is to be produced the application with Access and Windows of the language or to test at least extensively, in which she/it should run.
It at least for European languages in a way, that an application, that runs in the English Access, works also in the other languages. if was developed with a German Access:
A frequent mistake is that the entry" [event procedure]" in form and Berichts-Ereigniseigenschaften not always is translated. this leads to the mistake" of Can't in an English Access, for example, finds macro' [event procedure]'...
because Event Procedure" actually should stand there. one then must update händisch or must use code, that opens the objects in the design view menu and replaces the text.
Watches that always the English Forms in queryings at form references!... is used instead of the German forms!... otherwise gives forms it an invitation" of board parameters!...". further problems can, for example,
by monetary symbols is caused, through" German" date formattings etc therefore once again the advice, to develop with English-language Access as well as to test extensively before delivering with it.
These remarks also apply if a German data bank with an English Runtime is used. therefore a German Runtime then must be produced.
ID: Runti07823

Datenbank_Access Runtime with Access 2000 , tips and problem solutions to the passing on of a data bank without Access, important Vorraussetzungen, Setup generate.
ID: Runti01489

Datenbank_Access Runtime: data banks for the Access-Runtime-Version develops
ID: Daten00640

Datenbank_Access Runtime: Kompilierfehler with the start of a run Time application (ADT 97) avoids
ID: Kompi00736

Datenbank_Access Runtime: passport word alteration of run Time surroundings
ID: Passw00709

Datenbank_Access Runtime: password alteration of run Time version: access to user administration in Run-Time with" DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdUserAndGroupAccounts" over a button.
ID: Pa0wo00537

Datenbank_Access Runtime version for Access 97: prerequisites, Setup generate, tips to the smooth computer run of the run Time version
ID: Daten00641

Datenbank_Access Run Time version for Access 2003: instruction for the preparation of a Runtime version, with preparation of an installation program.
ID: Runti07715

Datenbank_Access SandboxMode for JetEngine (AC97 ,2000,2002): in SQL-Anweisungen can be executed commands also Access-externe as you know, FOR EXAMPLE SELECT Shell ("....) that can prepare harming. this can be prevented if the sand box mode is activated over the Registry:
Access 97:

Access 2000/2002:

ID: Sandb03082

Datenbank_Access SaveSetting and GetSetting writes as well as reads information into the Regsitry. this can FOR EXAMPLE, in order to store search criterions, is used. example: * * code start * * sub Form_Unload SaveSetting" Access"," lookups"," DBName" m.
TxtSuchenNach End sub * * code end * * like is read the information again: * * code start * * sub Form_Load Me.TxtSuchenNach = GetSetting (" Access"," lookups"," DBName","") final sub * * code end * *
ID: SaveS07719

Datenbank_Access Scanner control from Access (AC2000-2007). the perfect supplement for any paper and graphics administration.
* particular Windows DLL to the scanner control in Access uses * Scanvorgang and Grafilkkonvertierung, to use per VBA, * eingescannte documents directly in the data bank stores
ID: Scann08704

Datenbank_Access Clasps of Access (AC97-2003) prevent c o this solution of API-Funktionen can be closed prevented in the title bar for you the Access over the clasp symbol.
ID: Schli05217

Datenbank_Access Clasps of forms per event
ID: Schli00675

Datenbank_Access Page format of reports (fro m 7.0) puts in
ID: Seite00735

Datenbank_Access Series Letters directly in Access, pressure, writes form about producing to letters, code in CD-ROM 1-99,
ID: Brief00777

Datenbank_Access Series letters with Word (AC2002-2003). this article helps existing series printed solutions to switch to Office2003, or, to build the basic knowledge about a new solution.
Since this Office-Version, Access and Word communicate with' OLE DB', and no more with DDE or ODBC.
ID: Serie05800

Datenbank_Access series letters: Data banks as data source for series letters
ID: Daten00650

Datenbank_Access Series pressure from Access (Ac cess from 2.0) steers: idea of a complete solution: newsletters to customers, Word document and access-database, DDE or ODBC in the comparison, furnishes connection sign consequences starts. see also contribution S330, serie
ID: Serie02008

Datenbank_Access Series pressure with e-mail hyper links: (AC97,2000,2002): use of the supplement Mailto: in hyper links
ID: Serie03141

Datenbank_Access Services Release 2 - tips and info to the installation and utilization in Access 97
ID: Servi00519

Datenbank_Access Setup - assistant
ID: Der0S00621

Datenbank_Access To secure databanks when finishing (AC all versions). idea: Access over a Batchfile starts. Access first is started in this Batch. when completing Access, the next instruction (copy-Befehl) is executed. example:
@echo off
start /w msacess.exe "Z:\MeineDBs\TestDB.MDB"
copy "Z:\MeineDBs\TestDB.MDB" "Y:\DBSich\TestDB.MDB"

ID: Siche05685

Datenbank_Access Protection concept for data banks: secu res as well as stores of the data (tables) in a 2. data bank, automatically, at button pressure,..., as alternative to copying the entire DB with Explorer, Explorer only goes if no User in the DB!,
ID: Siche00778

Datenbank_Access SmartTag-DLL with data bank access (AC2002-2003) so is integrated seamlessly Access-Daten in Word, Excel & Co.
ID: Smart05639

Datenbank_Access Special buttons (AC97- 2002) intercept: with a small trick can intercept you each pressed button
ID: Sonde03416

Datenbank_Access , To sort, of arrangements (AC from 2000): arrangements like' 1.1.1',' 1.1.2' doesn't sort as wished Access.
In the PC-MAGAZIN, a function is described, that split (on the Access-Funktion, is based in order to represent these arrangements 3 stellig (hidden field) FOR EXAMPLE 3 x. end 1.1.2 turns 001001002.
ID: Sorti06575

Datenbank_Access Sorting' ä' =' ae' in reports (AC97, 20 00-2002): over the register card in extra options puts in you on' German directory' the sorting. repairs and compresses you the data bank afterwards. only the possibility consists of Access97 to intend an additional
ID: Sorti03268

Datenbank_Access Sorting with Feldtyp" decimal" delivers AC2000-2003 decimal wrong results with descending sequence on one. ascending is correct. tip: type at single or stand-in alters, or field in the table design indexes.
ID: Sorti08676

Datenbank_Access SQL for forms of SmartT ool Publishing: Add-In for AC97-2002, enables the strainer of form about SQL-Statements. CD-Verzeichnis: \ TOOLS\SQLFORMS
ID: SQL0f03276

Datenbank_Access SQL in VBA-Module start, var iables start, examples for Access 2.0 until 97:
SQLStr = "SELECT [PL_Grau],[Auftrag_nr] FROM [Stammdaten Haupttabelle] "
SQLStr = SQLStr & "WHERE [Auftrag_nr] = '" & KAuftr & "';"
Set NameList = GIMDB.OpenRecordset(SQLStr, dbOpenDynaset)
SQLStr = "SELECT * FROM DDV_EMailGruppen WHERE DDV_EMailGruppen.gruppe='" & Empfaenger & "';"

ID: SQL0i01274

Datenbank_Access SQL: flexible query language (Access from 2.0) with following topics: why SQL, union queryings, produce new queryings, sub queryings, at all... see also contribution S651 (Teil2): all steps of the example explains, SQL as data record origin for control el
ID: SQL0002009

Datenbank_Access SQL: WHERE-Clausel in VBA (example):
Dim strKAuftrag As String, intDZNR As Single
strKAuftrag = Me![Auftrags Nummer]
intDZNR = Me![DZNR]
SQLtxt = "SELECT [Auftrags Nummer],[DZNR], [LfdeNr] FROM [DDV_DVAusgabeInt] WHERE (([Auftrags Nummer] = '" & strKAuftrag & "') And (trim(str([DZNr])) = '" & intDZNR & "'))"
SQLtxt = SQLtxt & " ORDER BY [Auftrags Nummer], [DZNR], [LfdeNr];"
Set GIMDB = CurrentDb
Set tmp = GIMDB.OpenRecordset(SQLtxt)

ID: SQL0001866

Datenbank_Access SQL-Anweisungen optimally (AC97-2007) use: the unlike solution and places, where SQL-Statement can be put down.
ID: SQL0A08739

Datenbank_Access SQL-Backend (AC2000-2007) optimize: so works optimally together Access and the SQL-Server: * ODBC and SQL-Protokollierung uses * accomplishment analysis * Tuning for ODBC connections * real Abfrage-Typ chooses * optimization for queryings
ID: SQL0B08745

Datenbank_Access Optimize SQL backend, Part 2 (AC from 2000). Optimally adjust collaboration between Access and SQL Server.
ID: SQL0B08817

Datenbank_Access SQL-DMO in the practice u sage (AC2000-2003): a little known object library opens new possibilities with the control of the SQL-Servers per VBA.
ID: SQL0D05224

Datenbank_Access SQL Server 2012 set up in a virtual environment AC2000-2010. Test full version SQL Server on virtual machine without restrictions.
ID: SQL0S08830

Datenbank_Access SQL-Server: from Access on SQL servers migrieren: small Howto, Access2003 after SQL server 2005):<BR>1, SQL data bank aim < BR>2, Migration tool start, see separated Einträge)<BR>3 Convert system:
The corresponding data bank also must mark seinund to it in the window menu Access in the SQL-Fenster. the scarf surface then becomes [Convert system] actively. < BR>4, Load of to Database, only structure,:
Here the tables in the SQL window menu markierenund for each table repeats. < BR>5, Migrate Data: now is copied the tables contents. here the table must be marked in the Access-Fenster above. for each table repeats.
ID: SQL0S08034

Datenbank_Access SQL-Statement-Builder (AC97-2002): ready solution, to produce about SQL-Statements. is installed as Add-In, and stands all data banks to the disposal.
ID: SQL0S03912

Datenbank_Access Standard attitudes for your data bank
ID: Stand00630

Datenbank_Access Stappelspeicher (from 2. 0) spare
ID: Stapp00725

Datenbank_Access Start options, AppTitle and Icon, per VBA (AC97-2003) places over listing of the" Properties" of the data bank.
ID: Start08647

Datenbank_Access Start options at Access 2007 (AC97-2007) adjust: so makes you basic data bank qualities fit for Access 2007: * start performance, to know about data banks in Access 2007, * MDB-Datenbanken, to equip with start rights of preemption to Access 2007.
ID: Start08746

Datenbank_Access Statusleistentext/Feldbeschreibung - balances (AC97-2002): like you later the description of the fields of the table design into the tip text of the form fields updates. modSLTAktualisieren on the MAGAZIN-CD
ID: Statu03417

Datenbank_Access Status line and - beams (AC97-2002): topics:--2 alternatives: status line of Access or separated form--solution of your projects binds--references in the status line of Access spends--status beams in the status line shows--pro solution of form
ID: Statu03171

Datenbank_Access Control elemen t - assistant in the advanced form formation
ID: Steue00651

Datenbank_Access Control element s of the Access Developer's Toolkit 95
ID: Die0S00595

Datenbank_Access Control elements : length of control element names
ID: L0nge00674

Datenbank_Access String treatment (A ccess 95) 97, 2000,: character strings compares, is converted, produces, contact with solid character strings for example from API-Funktionen, new functions of Acess 2000 (VBA 6): lapels getFileName split.
ID: Strin01327

Datenbank_Access Search: global search for the data bank (AC97-2007). a comfortable search function as several tables
ID: Suche08733

Datenbank_Access Search: data bank objects faster finds (AC2000-2003): contents of a data bank into a table reads. data bank of the data banks, in which all data banks can be searched globally, produces.
ID: Suche08614

Datenbank_Access Search function even (AC97, 2000) done: seeks with comfort:--forms for an optimized search function widens.--search with few mouse clicks steers.--service of the data bank considerable widens. see also contribution F805-06
ID: Suchf02461

Datenbank_Access Search function: data records per PopUp-Formular (from AC97) seeks. data record drawing selection of PopUp-Formular, that you can integrate into each data bank.
ID: Such007766

Datenbank_Access Search function: Search form with comfort (AC2000-2010) solution in the magazin
ID: Such008828

Datenbank_Access Toolbar in AC2002 and AC2003 puts back. case's it differently doesn't go, then over the Registry: * * code start * * HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\11.

All toolbars and menu bars are put back data banks for all Access2002/3!
ID: Symbo07088

Datenbank_Access Toolbars after Neuinstallation (AC97-2003) restore. the attitude stores Access in the Regsitry: * * code start * * HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\X.x\Access\Settings\Commandbars * * code end * * with what X.x the Office-Version is.
ID: Symbo08611

Datenbank_Access Toolbars per VBA in the grip (AC97-2003): produces you custom surfaces for your data bank: * existing toolbars manipulates * newcomers toolbars aims. * individual toolbars with existing functions starts
ID: Symbo06591

Datenbank_Access Toolbars and menus: inserts, a djusts, symbols import, molds. - buttons shapes, imports, for example from Symboll. of other applications.
ID: Symbo00775

Datenbank_Access Toolbars under AC2007 tips and backgrounds to the last toolbars of Access. rapid-access strip optimally uses. multifunction strip: see same PC-MAGAZIN under M850 see also M900 TT
ID: Symbo08669

Datenbank_Access Toolbars under AC2007 adjust. VBA-Prozedur per Schnellzugriffsleiste start. see also tips on side N050-TT
ID: Symbo08699

Datenbank_Access Table: increase comfort at the work with bound tables: (AC97-2003): solution, to delete about several tables simultaneously.
ID: Tabel06588

Datenbank_Access Tables automatically secure, AC97-2002, examples and solution for table backups in external data banks: co DoCmd.CopyObject, with SQL (INSERT INTO...) or directly with macroses and queryings.
ID: Tabel03185

Datenbank_Access Tables contents per SQL (AC97-2003) rescues. example code for the PC-MAGAZIN, in order to read data records from a defective data bank per DAO and SQL.
ID: Tabel07720

Datenbank_Access Tables comfortably (from Access 9 7) compare: so finds you new data records with the table comparison.
ID: Tabel02085

Datenbank_Access Tables of similar data records bereinegen
ID: Tabel00684

Datenbank_Access Tables: bind tables (AC97-2007) updates: bind tables optimally in the grip with front-end / backend solutions.
ID: Tabel08692

Datenbank_Access Table preparation queryings for the data bank design (from 7.0)
ID: Tabel00728

Datenbank_Access Table connections per VBA (AC97-2002) lift: s ees F805. tests automatically table connections per VBA and binds again: see contribution V520 and F808/05
ID: Tabel03266

Datenbank_Access Meet as well as label qual ity v. control elements uses to the buffering of value, for example dynamic standard entries as suggestion for next data record.
ID: Tag0b00778

Datenbank_Access Pocket calculators of Access-Berat er (AC97-2002): topics:--function manner--ready solution of your projects started--different start possibilities (toolbar) button,...)
ID: Tasch03172

Datenbank_Access Keyboard allocatio n: in Access 2000 is called AutoKeys" this macros". the macros" keyboard allocation" is not translated automatically at the conversion of Access 97 from Access 2000 and must be altered manually in AutoKeys". see also F800
ID: Tasta01355

Datenbank_Access Keyboard abbreviations for Datum/Zeit: ( AC2002-3): from Access 2002 works the keyboard abbreviation [Umschalt][Strg] [,] and [Umschalt][Strg] [.]. solution of the PC-MAGAZIN
ID: Tasta03858

Datenbank_Access Touch-tone alloc ation: ascription of an action or a group from actions to a button. (departure from Access-Hilfe) purpose: for example in GIM the same touch-tone allocation like of the PPS uses: F2=Suchen, F5=neu, F6=ändern, F10=Schließen,... you can assi
ID: Taste00786

Datenbank_Access Teamwork with Excel and Access , AC97 u. 2000,: uses you a little known Excel Add-In to the direct data transfer of Access, you use Excel as front-final for data input (savings of Access-Lizensen):--you install the Add-In' Vorlagen-Assitent with Datenarchi
ID: Teamw02441

Datenbank_Access Terminierung for data banks (AC97-2007): tips and manufactures procedures around the administration of dates.:
* Optimal storage of dates * due dates automatically when opening shows * automatic memories in the current data bank
ID: Termi08747

Datenbank_Access Text modules for your data bank (from 2.0)
ID: Textb00719

Datenbank_Access Text files per VBA read and write (AC97-2003). universe to the correct contact with text files in your procedures.
ID: Textd06087

Datenbank_Access Text boxes in continuous forms color-like marks text box produces, with format following inputs":
as typeface TERMINAL puts in
ID: Texfe03825

Datenbank_Access Word processing: f ree word processing for Access
ID: Koste00654

Datenbank_Access Tips to the optimization of queryin gs
ID: Tips001273

Datenbank_Access Title bar: path and file name from title bar (AC from 97) shows: so knows you you which data bank always opened. completely solution of MAGAZIN-CD
ID: Titel06572

Datenbank_Access Title bar text individually (AC from 97) adjusts. so the application title can be placed per VBA. the code uses the Properties-Eigenschaft of the data bank.
ID: Titel05785

Datenbank_Access Totally Access Inspector 200 0
ID: Total00636

Datenbank_Access , To transpose, of Tabellen/Abfragen (AC97,2000,2002): the introduced function exchanges lines and columns, tables with maximum 254 data records, memo fields cannot be transposed,
ID: Trans03083

Datenbank_Access TreeView Control Wizard of Microsoft: successors of Outline-Control, simplification of the access of hierarchically interrelated data, Freeware, on Access-Berater-CD in the Verz. TOOLS\TREEWIZ
ID: TreeV01349

Datenbank_Access TreeView Control Wizard for Access 97 of Mi crosoft: assistant in producing of Explorer-Ansichten for tables, on MAGAZIN-CD. the assistant can be started per object only once, with mistake must be altered per VBA, or the object again is produced, actually
ID: TreeV02090

Datenbank_Access TreeView in the practice u sage, Access97 and higher: The TreeView control element in the practice, in forms, important qualities, contents of Tabellen/Abfragen bind transferred at passing on into the control element, examples, heeds,...
ID: TreeV02089

Datenbank_Access Treeview: usage in Access: A ctiveX-Steuerelemente is shaped in a way, that they work in many programs. however, it can occur in some cases that methods, qualities or events, that are usable in an application, don't work in another application. the methods
ID: Treev03206

Datenbank_Access Treeview: reference about the d istribution: the structure view menu control element is element of a group of ActiveX-Steuerelementen, that is in the file COMCTL32.OCX. they can use the structure view menu control element in your application in that you ad
ID: Treev03205

Datenbank_Access Treeview: typical indication procedure this in normally in the event of Form_Load is accommodated:
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim Tb As Recordset
Dim tvwMC As Node, StrMC As String
Dim tvwProg As Node, StrProg As String
Dim tvwAuftr As Node, StrAuftr As String
Dim tvwWkzg As Node, StrWkzg As String
Dim Anz As Integer, i As Integer
Set GIMDB = CurrentDb
Set Tb = GIMDB.OpenRecordset("_TestQry-Treeview")
Anz = Tb.RecordCount
For i = 1 To Anz
With Me.ActiveXStr0.Nodes
If Tb![MatchCode] <> StrMC Then 'Ebene 1
Set tvwMC = .Add(, tvwLast, , Tb![MatchCode])
tvwMC.Expanded = True '2.Ebene sofort öffnen
StrMC = Tb![MatchCode]
End If
If Tb![Prog] <> StrProg Then 'Ebene 2
Set tvwProg = .Add(tvwMC, tvwChild, , Tb![Prog])
StrProg = Tb![Prog]
End If
If Tb![Auftrag_nr] <> StrAuftr Then 'Ebene 3
Set tvwAuftr = .Add(tvwProg, tvwChild, , Tb![Auftrag_nr])
StrAuftr = Tb![Auftrag_nr]
tvwAuftr.Key = "A" & Trim$(Tb![Auftrag_nr])
End If
If Tb![WkzgNr] <> StrWkzg Then 'Ebene 4
Set tvwWkzg = .Add(tvwAuftr, tvwChild, , Tb![WkzgNr])
StrWkzg = Tb![WkzgNr]
tvwWkzg.Key = "W" & Tb![Auftrag_nr] & Tb![WkzgNr]
End If
End With
Next i
End Sub

ID: Treev03207

Datenbank_Access Treeview-Control: selections of the stru cture: finishing reading of the content as well as the structure of a TreeView-Steuerelements from the Microsoft Common Controls into one quite simply is string, approximately to the storage in a file or to copying
ID: Treev03203

Datenbank_Access Treeview-Control: departure from Office-Developer-Hi lfe: using of the structure view menu control element (TreeView) is the structure view menu control element to the indication of data, that is hierarchical according to her/its/their nature, intended lik
ID: Treev03204

Datenbank_Access Twips in Millimeter (AC all Versions):
One Millimeter = 56,7 Twips
ID: Twips07165

Datenbank_Access Clear data bank container
ID: 0bers00702

Datenbank_Access Umschalt-Taste (AC97-2002) prevent: function as the PC-MAGAZIN this the effect of the Shift-Taste on the opening of a data bank canceled, or again activates. the DB-Eigenschaft' AllowBypassKey' is put on wrong as well as true on that occasion.
ID: Umsch03686

Datenbank_Access Transferred on Access 97 (2.0, 7.0, 8.0)
ID: Umsti00696

Datenbank_Access Union query: ac cumulated interpretation of branch data with an union query (from 2.0)
ID: Kumul00718

Datenbank_Access Union queryings in the de tail, union operator for efficient and more comfortable queryings uses., AC97 u. 2000,:--practice example: series pressure with union query--basis and peculiarities--data faster selects--combo boxes comfortably fills--tables compa
ID: Unio002429

Datenbank_Access Union queryings: practice example s: (AC97-2003): tips and ideas for union queryings in the practice
ID: Union03864

Datenbank_Access Sub data sheets with 2003-front-finishes uses (AC2000-2003): solution of access of AC2003 FrontEnd on AC2000 Backend with sub data sheets.
ID: Unter08729

Datenbank_Access Sub forms for AC 2002 more simply open: call in the separated window menu per mouse click: context menu adjusts, instruction in the PC-MAGAZIN
ID: Unter02800

Datenbank_Access Sub forms comfortably (AC97-2002) searc h: tips to the data record search in sub forms.
ID: UNter03418

Datenbank_Access Sub forms: tips & solutions around the usa ge of sub form, AC97 u. 2000,: topics:--data from the sub form in the main form adds up--from the sub form on data of the main form grabs.--sub forms for alterations protects.--sub forms for data records doesn't s
ID: Unter02430

Datenbank_Access Userlist(): function as Access 2000 to the finds out which users in a data bank momentarily works. The Function delivers the computer and UserNamen, and uses it as Recordset in ADO as well as OLE DB of a' Schema-ID' is returned:

Function UserList() as Boolean
Dim cn As Connection
Dim rs As New Recordset
Set cn = CurrentProject.Connection
Set rs = cn.OpenSchema(adSchemaProviderSpecific,
, _"{947BB102-5D43-11D1-BDBF-00C04FB92675}")
While Not rs.EOF
Debug.print "Rechner: " & rs.Field(0).Value
Debug.print "User: " & rs.Field(1).Value
End Function

ID: Userl02001

Datenbank_Access VBA-Bibliothek, external programs start and control computer run: ready school library to the optimal cooperation with external programs, übere following parameter has; ProgName, ProgParas, WorkDir, WinMode, EPError, IsRunning,
ID: VBA0B01350

Datenbank_Access VBA-Bibliothek, data transmission network in Access 97 -2000 uses: ready solution to the full control over all connections of the data transmission network under Win95-98 in data base applications, for example data transmission connections aimed on - and
ID: VBA0B01354

Datenbank_Access VBA-Bibliothek, data (from Access 2.0) correct: 3 VBA-Funktionen" CheckName (,"," CheckQuote (,"," UpperWords (,", they help the input of data to check.
ID: VBA0B01363

Datenbank_Access VBA-Bibliothek, file functions: re ady VBA-Routinen for the work with data files, tables and drives in VBA, for all Access-Versionen, on MAGAZIN-CD in the table V104
ID: VBA0B01490

Datenbank_Access VBA-Bibliothek, rounds of numbers: problems for rounding, Access 2.0 until 97 about a Round-Funktion, function manner of Round and format, practice examples, widen.
ID: VBA0B02010

Datenbank_Access VBA-Bibliothek, clipboard, Acce ss 97, 2000,: the ready class module, methods, function manner of the example data bank, use class module for own projects uses and adjusts, API-Funktion uses.
ID: VBA0B02020

Datenbank_Access VBA-Bibliothek, Multiuser-Funktionen (Access 95,97,2000): piece of information about the network log-in determines, groups to the live User find, piece of information around names and paths, whoever works with the current data bank, examples.
ID: VBA0B02031

Datenbank_Access VBA-Bibliothek, combo boxes (Access 97,2000) fi ll: Callback-Funktion
ID: VBA0B02092

Datenbank_Access VBA-Bibliothek, connections (A C97, 2000) update: comfortable administration and updating of bound tables.
ID: VBA0B02431

Datenbank_Access VBA-Bibliothek, arithmetic with working day, AC97 u. 2000,:--date calculation perfectly in the grip.--administration of holiday--calculation of date, periods with consideration of holiday and weekend.
ID: VBA0B02442

Datenbank_Access VBA-Bibliothek: Word (AC97, 2000) : comfortable data transfer of Word in your data bank:--control of Word of VBA--necessary preparations for your projects--determining whether Word already started--transfer of an address of Word--Übetragung of complete dat
ID: VBA0B02453

Datenbank_Access VBA-Bibliothek: system information ( AC97, 2000): so grabs you on the most important system information in your procedures always.--date and time--SysCmd (, uses optimally.--information about the Application-Objekt.--system information per API interrogates
ID: VBA0B02462

Datenbank_Access VBA-Bibliothek: data record drawi ng selection (AC97,2000,2002), the ultimative solution to the fast data record drawing selection of your forms, popup form about the indication and drawing selection of the data records.
ID: VBA0B02566

Datenbank_Access VBA-Bibliothek: external programs steers:, AC97, 2000, 2002, co this solution has you external programs with few commands in the concept:--the function manner in the detail--integration into your projects--quality and methods of the school library--applic
ID: VBA0B02725

Datenbank_Access VBA-Bibliothek: printer control of Access 2002: never again problems with the printout of reports:--bases of the late printer object--printers finishes reading, standard printers shift--particular printer selects--standard printers automatically put back
ID: VBA0B02807

Datenbank_Access VBA-Bibliothek: Word documents for Access (AC97,2000,200 2) records: benefits you the strengths of Word and Access in the interplay:--bases for the Einbindung in Word--necessary working in Word--preparing of the data bank--references about the usage of the
ID: VBA0B03093

Datenbank_Access VBA-Bibliothek: in the - and export (AC97,2000 ,2002) automates: topics:--several data files all at once imports--import with any function executes--several objects in a passageway exports
ID: VBA0B03148

Datenbank_Access VBA-Bibliothek: E-Mails-Adressen certainly tests (AC 97,2000,2002): full automatic check of e-mail addresses for VBA-Funktion, existing data inventories test and resolve
ID: VBA0B03159

Datenbank_Access VBA-Bibliothek: reads of MP3-Infos and writes (AC 97-2002): something is ID3Tags, so you use our ready solution, converts index number and clear texts for genre statements
ID: VBA0B03174

Datenbank_Access VBA-Bibliothek: system info about SQL server and A DO (AC 2000-2002): so interrogates you important info for your SQL-Server-Projekte per VBA. additionally:--version conflicts of data access components remedies--form about the trouble shooting integrates
ID: VBA0B03186

Datenbank_Access VBA-Bibliothek: holidays (AC97-2002) calculates. in this contribution, the Gauß'sche-Formel is expounded how holidays can be calculated for one any year. example function for holidays, calculating of working day with consideration of holiday respect: see
ID: VBA0B03272

Datenbank_Access VBA-Bibliothek: CDs from Access (AC97-200 2) passes: so uses you Access as full CD-Player
ID: VBA0B03279

Datenbank_Access VBA-Bibliothek: drive, table, and file operations (AC97-2002): ready solutions for all file operations on the MAGAZIN-CD
ID: VBA0B03410

Datenbank_Access VBA-Bibliothek: comfortable import from form (AC9 7-2002): universal import solution for your data bank, ready solution of MAGAZIN-CD in the table \ V124
ID: VBA0B03426

Datenbank_Access VBA-Bibliothek: access to Audio-CDS (A C97-2002): access to Audio-CDs, on multimedia interface, info from CDs finishes reading, tables for the storage initialize.
ID: VBA0B03689

Datenbank_Access VBA-Bibliothek: Excel-Export-Dialog for users: (AC97-20 03): places you the user of your data bank a simple aid, to export about Access-Tabellen in Excel. the offered dialogue has a drawing selection of the tables at his disposal, and a drawing selection o
ID: VBA0B03865

Datenbank_Access VBA-Bibliothek: arrays in tables stores: co c an even more simply process you arrays this ready solution and can appraise.
ID: VBA0B03913

Datenbank_Access VBA-Bibliothek: Treeview comfortably fills (AC97- 2003): a ready solution, to fill about TreeView-Steuerelemente with a line.
ID: VBA0B03927

Datenbank_Access VBA-Bibliothek: paper shaft changes of VBA: t he ready Papiershachtsteuerung for your data bank.
ID: VBA0B03953

Datenbank_Access VBA-Bibliothek: forms optimally secures (AC9 7-2003): avoids you mistake input through intelligent forms.--in many cases on the entire entitlement system of Access abstains--individual fields dependent on the user one - or fades out--each pressed button in
ID: VBA0B05225

Datenbank_Access VBA-Bibliothek: application events (A C97-2003). co this pro technology becomes your code even more shortly and more efficiently.--fundamental function manner of application events--central procedures for all forms and reports in a class module aims.
ID: VBA0B05640

Datenbank_Access VBA-Bibliothek: file drawing selectio n dialogue (AC from 2000). here a class module to selecting and returns from tables, file names, but also printers, network releases computer names, etc....
ID: VBA0B05697

Datenbank_Access VBA-Bibliothek: access to VBA-Projects (AC2000-2003):
--you develop individual tools for your VBA-Umgebung
--object model VBA-IDE
ID: VBA0B05799

Datenbank_Access VBA-Bibliothek: zip data files per VBA (AC 97 and higher): integrates you on zip records in your data bank the access.--benefits you the zip functions of Win-XP--compresses automatically reports and per Mail sends--access to WinZip.
ID: VBA0B06031

Datenbank_Access VBA-Bibliothek: < sign chain functions > (AC97-2003). module' ModStringFunctions' contains many functions missing frequently.
ID: VBA0B06088

Datenbank_Access VBA-Bibliothek: typeface drawing selection for forms (AC from 97). ready procedures around the work with writing in Access.
ID: VBA0B06333

Datenbank_Access VBA-Bibliothek: polyglot data banks: ideas and solutions for polyglot forms and reports.
ID: VBA0B06413

Datenbank_Access VBA-Bibliothek: extended MsgBox and input box (AC 97 until 2003): * MsgBox with own buttons widens * input dialogues with individual help function equips
ID: VBA0B06580

Datenbank_Access VBA-Bibliothek: printing work position (AC2002-2003) steers: practice solutions for the printer control in your data bank:
* Printer-Objekt of Access 2002-2003 * installed printers standard printers finish reading and shift * reports on a certain printer spends * reports on different printer shafts spends.
ID: VBA0B06593

Datenbank_Access VBA-Bibliothek: data bank objects fast finds (AC 97-2003). so you produce a headquarters administration for all your data banks.
ID: VBA0B07174

Datenbank_Access VBA-Bibliothek: external data banks per form: (AC 2000-2003). the universal start form for your data banks. * external data banks per VBA opens. * opening of too many Access-Instanzen prevents.
ID: VBA0B07716

Datenbank_Access VBA-Bibliothek: date - and dates (AC97-2003). date and time reliably test * wrong input intercepts * ready Prüfroutinen in the DB integrates.
ID: VBA0B07727

Datenbank_Access VBA-Bibliothek: stewards, data files and drives (AC2000-2003). so Access can determine automatically whether to import data or updates existing is. * Windows' Shell Change of Notify' uses.
ID: VBA0B07734

Datenbank_Access VBA-Bibliothek: CD and new drives recognizes., from AC 97. data import from putting in a CD or being infectious of a memory tic.
ID: VBA0B07771

Datenbank_Access VBA-Bibliothek: internet links automatically tests (AC97-2003): pro tips to the usage of the Microsoft internet Controls.
ID: VBA0B08618

Datenbank_Access VBA-Bibliothek: turbo for Front-End/Back-End (AC2000-2007). procedures with VBA execute.
* saved procedures for MSDE, SQL-Server and MySQL
ID: VBA0B08629

Datenbank_Access VBA-Bibliothek: HTML-Formulare per VBA (AC97-2003) fills. ready solution to the pro control of the internet Explorers
ID: VBA0B08642

Datenbank_Access VBA-Bibliothek: data files and tables (AC2000-2007) finishes reading: file lists of criterions finishes reading, file names and information of a table write, complete table structure analyzes.
ID: VBA0B08654

Datenbank_Access VBA-Bibliothek: substitute for FileSearch-Objekt (AC2000-2007). comfortable functions as the file search. the FileSearch-Objekt exists no more in AC2007.
Therefore, this solution is advantageous to AC2007-Datenbanken, and such data bank this someday after AC2007 should be converted.
ID: VBA0B08674

Datenbank_Access VBA-Bibliothek: Access-Formulare as Drop-Target (AC2000-2007): data files from the Explorer directly in Access-Formulare pulls. * drawing selection of data files * bases Drag & Drop * ready VBA-Lösung in the PC-MAGAZIN
ID: VBA0B08695

Datenbank_Access VBA-Bibliothek: Datei-Download (AC2000-2007) automates: ready functions as the topic Download of data files directly from VBA. data files can be stored directly on that occasion on the hard disk or into a table.
* Bases of the internet library WININET.DLL
ID: VBA0B08705

Datenbank_Access VBA-Bibliothek: automatic Datei-Upload (AC2000-2007). ready functions for your FTP-Uploads from Access
ID: VBA0B08712

Datenbank_Access VBA-Bibliothek: contents from OLE fields (AC2000-2007) stores. embedded objects in external data files store.
ID: VBA0B08723

Datenbank_Access VBA-Bibliothek: email matching unit for data banks (AC2000-2007). universal solution to the fast delivery of enamels from your data bank with outlook
ID: VBA0B08737

Datenbank_Access VBA-Bibliothek: scanning in installation fields (AC2007): solution to the direct Scanner-Ansteuerung from Access, and use of the new Feld-Typ" installation" in AC2007: * scanner access to" Windows image Acquisition" (WIA) * ready solution of the PC-MAGAZIN and CD
ID: VBA0B08748

Datenbank_Access VBA library: protection for VBA project (AC from 2000): To prevent unauthorized transfer of your VBA procedures.
ID: VBA0B08818

Datenbank_Access VBA library: Google Calendar with Access use AC2002-2010) VBA access to Google Calendar
ID: VBA0B08831

Datenbank_Access VBA library: Browser Control via VBA (AC from 2002) Access to IE, Firefox and Chrome from Access.
Use of "Selenium VBA"
ID: VBA0B08858

Datenbank_Access VBA-Editor the direct way of the VBA - editor (8.0)
ID: Der0d00700

Datenbank_Access VBA-Module comfortably document (AC2000-2003) . A valuable help for each developer:
* your VBA-Prozeduren into different formats documents
* to analyze the modules of your data bank with VBA
ID: VBA0M08643

Datenbank_Access VBA procedures globally use (AC from 2000). So you can maintain your VBA code centrally and utilize flexible. Special feature of class modules.
ID: VBA0P08819

Datenbank_Access VBA-Schlüsselwörter (from AC97). if variable name Access-Schlüsselnamen has, as FOR EXAMPLE [name], [Date],...), there can be problems with implementation of functions. this function tests whether a handed over name is reserved or not.
* * Code start * * Declare Function EbIsValidIdent Lib" vba332.
dll" alias" #1003", ByVal lpstrKeyw ace Long, ByRef lngReturn ace Long, ace Long * * code end * * the result delivered in lngReturn become return 1, if the concept handed over as lpstrKeyw is a valid VBA-Schlüsselwort, 0.
ID: VBA0S07761

Datenbank_Access VCF-Files after AC (AC2000-2003) import. address data in the VCF format directly in Access reads.
ID: VCF0D08619

Datenbank_Access Joined tables optimally starts, usage areas for joined tables, Vorteile/Nachteile, peculiarities, connections. per VBA (routine on MAGAZIN-CD) updates table \ V250.
ID: Verkn01491

Datenbank_Access Course indications programiere n, from 7.0,
ID: Verla00714

Datenbank_Access Hidden functions as AC97: in t he msaccess.exe is functions, that actually are intended only for Microsoft developers, integrated. It is however not secured that these are contained into further versions further:--file drawing selection of dialogue--color
ID: Verst02722

Datenbank_Access Vertical lines in reports (AC 97,2000,2002): co this trick produces you without interruption in reports vertical lines. the solution uses the Line-Methode, the line is drawn over the report. the horizontal position of the line is determined automatically
ID: Verti03411

Datenbank_Access Administration of storage-intensive data: the multimedia - data bank (7.0, 8.0)
ID: Die0M00610

Datenbank_Access Administration of storage-intensive data: bases (2.0, 7.0, 8.0)
ID: Grund00609

Datenbank_Access Administration of storage-intensive data: further additional functions
ID: Verwa00620

Datenbank_Access Refer on" Microsoft Forms" (AC97-2003) removes. even if no more corresponding control elements exist in the data bank, this reference can often be removed no more. VBA-Lösung in the PC-MAGAZIN
ID: Verwe08648

Datenbank_Access References per VBA place: the following example contains event procedures ItemAdded and ItemRemoved for the events. See the German translastion for then code.
ID: Verwe03826

Datenbank_Access References: external objects flexibly binds (AC 97-2003): never again error message in opening data banks. * Early Binding and Late Binding effectively uses, or combines.
ID: Verwe07170

Datenbank_Access References: Work without references? Almost all the statements that are used under VBA, let through so-called COM objects available.This COM objects within VBA produce, among other things with the CreateObject method (if Access has not been created at the start of the application itself, ., such as the DBEngine object the DAO library requires that you know the ProgID of the object tracks but this is obvious. to access Word or Excel with Word.Application zu.Der with Excel.Application advantage is: Access seeks as always, the library with the specified ProgID out (ie about ord.Application) and does not need to use the correct version achten.
ID: Verwe08821

Datenbank_Access Application of variables
ID: Verwe00627

Datenbank_Access Tables per VBA (AC97-2003) finish reading. working with YOU
ID: Verze07721

Datenbank_Access VFzip Control: ActiveX for zip functions of vis ion Factory. this ActiveX-Komponente enables it to produce zip data files from the data bank directly. co the component of VFUnzip can unpack you zip record from Access. for private utilization gratuitously,
ID: VFzip03412

Datenbank_Access Virtual PC for Access-Entwickler (AC97-2003). several Access-Versionen finally comfortably uses. * installation of Virtual PC * virtual machines individually configures * Access-Konfiguration with little expenditure follows.
ID: Virtu07735

Datenbank_Access Virus: the Access-Virus AccessIV
ID: Der0A00629

Datenbank_Access Prefabricated texts in the data bank
ID: Vorge00653

Datenbank_Access Waiting for object (Access 2.0 until 2000) closed: over function" GetObjectState" of SysCmd can be service in a While-Wend-Schleife until a certain object is closed: sub WaitForm(strForm ace string, While SysCmd(SYSCMD_GETOBJECTSTATE, A_FORM (StrForm) DoE
ID: Warte01345

Datenbank_Access Web - browsers - control ele ment (8.0)
ID: Web0000698

Datenbank_Access Values of qualities turn
ID: Werte00687

Datenbank_Access Wildcards in ADO-Recordsets, problems for the changeover of DAO from ADO: the up to now valid Wildcards in SQL-Statement.
-- '?' --> use now '_'
-- '*' --> use now '%'
ID: Wildc02424

Datenbank_Access Windows from Access finishe s, AC97-2002, over API-Funktion, module on MAGAZIN-CD in the table \ W400
ID: Windo03427

Datenbank_Access Windows Common Controls (ODE)
ID: Windo00713

Datenbank_Access Windows NT/2000-Netzwerkprobleme: (AC97,2000,2002) problems with access-databases should appear as servers in a network with NT or Win2000, FOR EXAMPLE data bank must be repaired again and again, you try following attitude in the Registry on the server: H
ID: Windo03142

Datenbank_Access Windows and system table one PC s determines. used API-Funktionen
ID: Windo00288

Datenbank_Access Windows-User determine (AC2000, 2002,2003) : write 'option Explicit' in the module, then write following function:
Private Declare Function apiGetUserName Lib "advapi32.dll" _
Alias "GetUserNameA" (ByVal lpBuffer As String, _
nSize As Long) As Long
Function BenutzerName() As String
Dim lngLen As Long
Dim lngX As Long
Dim strBenutzerName As String
strBenutzerName = String$(254, 0)
lngLen = 255
lngX = apiGetUserName(strBenutzerName, lngLen)
If lngX <> 0 Then
BenutzerName = Left$(strBenutzerName, lngLen - 1)
BenutzerName = ""
End If
End Function

ID: Windo05632

Datenbank_Access Windows-User determine (AC97) copy follow Code in a new module:
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Public Const accexeHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &H80000002

Declare Function accexeReadReg Lib "msaccess.exe" Alias "#70" (ByVal hkeyroot As Long, ByVal strSection As String, ByVal strEntry As String, lpData As Any, ByVal lngMaxLen As Long) As Long

Function CVBStr(varString As Variant) As String
If InStr(varString, vbNullChar) <> 0 Then
CVBStr = Left$(varString, InStr(varString, vbNullChar) - 1)
CVBStr = varString
End If
End Function

Function cp_ReadReg_WinLogon() As String
'Registryeintrag auslesen
'Dieser Abschnitt auslesen:
'[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon]
Dim lngRoot As Long
Dim strSection As String
Dim strEntryName As String
Dim R As Variant
Dim strResult As String
strResult = Space$(250)
lngRoot = accexeHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
strSection = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon"
strEntryName = "DefaultUserName"
R = accexeReadReg(lngRoot, strSection, strEntryName, ByVal strResult, Len(strResult))
Select Case R
Case 0 'OK
cp_ReadReg_WinLogon = CVBStr(strResult)
'MsgBox CVBStr(strResult)
Case Else
cp_ReadReg_WinLogon = "unbekannt"
End Select
End Function

ID: Windo05977

Datenbank_Access WIZHOOK-Functions (AC2000-2007): functions as the undocumented library of the Access-Entwickler uses. reference: there this library undocumented is, this can have vanished in the next Access-Version.
Also the calls can change.
* GlobalProcExist
* ObjTypeOfRecordSource
* OfficeAddInDir
* SortStringArray
* LocalFont
ID: WIZHO08630

Datenbank_Access Word.Art objects in Access Reports use (AC2000-2010). Make reports flexible.
ID: Word008823

Datenbank_Access Word: data records without field names (AC2000-2003) takes on. data takeover with comfort in Word:
* per VBA on data in the clipboard grabs
* field names of this, to separate acquired data.
ID: Word008636

Datenbank_Access Word documents in Memofeld (AC97-200 2) read: contents of Word document storage-gentle to your data bank uses. a reference on the Word library uses the routine.
ID: Word003904

Datenbank_Access Word documents per Hyperlink add solution based on Office automation.
ID: Word006024

Datenbank_Access Word documents directly with Access (AC2000-2003) produces. you use a new method to the aiming of complete Word documents.--Word documents for alternative to report.--bases and advantages of WordML
ID: Word006089

Datenbank_Access XML in Access optimally uses (AC2002-2003): advantages of XML uses: * basis of XML * table in the XML-Format exports.
ID: XML0i06595

Datenbank_Access XML-Export (AC2002) simp lify: mounting you the XLM-Export in one single file together
ID: XML0E03084

Datenbank_Access XML-Import for all Access-Versions (AC from 97). an universal VBA-Lösung for the flexible XML-Import. * features of AC2002 and 2003 * working also without Access-Methoden * stores and transforms M'S XML parser with him/it
ID: XML0I06334

Datenbank_Access XPS - the alternative to the PDF format (AC97-2007). you use the new XPS-Format for the edition of Access-Berichte * bases * XPS-Dokumente from Access produces
ID: XPS0008713

Datenbank_Access Counts: the o ccurrence of" yes"," no" or" zero" counts
ID: Das0V00681

Datenbank_Access Pays export after Excel:, from Access95,:: temporary table, about the Access-Fehler, uses AusgabeIn to handle
ID: Zahle00789

Datenbank_Access Dates round: (AC97-2003) so dates can more simply be processed.
ID: Zeita06407

Datenbank_Access Time-based amounts calculate (AC2000-2010). VBA function pertaining to billing with times.
ID: Zeitb08824

Datenbank_Access In the time of calculation for Prozed queryings: < / b>Hier a solution, to calculate about exactly treatment periods (milli seconds) in Access. first, following declaration must be produced in a module:
< BR><tt > Public Declare Function GetTickCount Lib" kernel32", ace Long < / tt > < BR>Dann a function produces:
< BR><tt > Public Function TimeShows(sAbfrage ace String)<BR > Dim nStart ace Long < BR > Dim nEnd ace Long < BR><BR > nStart = GetTickCount (, < BR > DoCmd.
OpenQuery sAbfrage < BR > nEnd = GetTickCount (, < BR > Time shows = CStr((nEnd - nStart, / 1000, < BR>End Function < / tt > < BR>Berechnet the number the violated" milli seconds"
ID: Zeitb08035

Datenbank_Access Certificates for macroses (A C from 2003). from this Access-Version, also the Access-Makros are involved like in Excel, Word, of the security query. the macro security step can be put on low. alternative can issue you certificate, FOR EXAMPLE in a company
ID: Zerti05696

Datenbank_Access Access authorizations for Access (AC97,2000,2002) with following topics:--as worked the security model of Access--users, groups part 2: see Z821 in the PC-MAGAZIN 02/10
ID: Zugri03149

Datenbank_Access Access authorizations for fie ld level (AC all versions): the idea exists English in it, the quality LABEL, / VBA: DAY, to use, and in it the users or groups, to cast off, FOR EXAMPLE" Admin;Schmidt;Maier". when opening the form, all control elements are g
ID: Zugri03404

Datenbank_Access Permissions for Access and SQL Server (AC 2007 onwards) To set specifically which user can work with which objects.
ID: Zugri08859

Datenbank_Access Clipboard uses
ID: Die0Z00593

Datenbank_Access Clipboard via VBA use (AC2000-2012). Exchange data via the clipboard with mouse click. Create a reference to the library "MS Forms" (FM20.DLL). Example in the magazine.
ID: Zwisc08825
